Government Lockdowns Have Stolen the Childhoods of Millions of Children – IOTW Report

Government Lockdowns Have Stolen the Childhoods of Millions of Children


What has been the cost of the pandemic? Eventually, it will all be totaled up, placed in nice, neat rows and columns, and historians will be able to tell future generations how much wealth disappeared, how many jobs were lost — dollars, cents, pesos, shekels, yen. Perhaps they will be able to quantify the cost of lost human liberty and personal freedom.

But there’s something that no one will be able to calculate. How can you put a dollar amount on a lost childhood? On millions of lost childhoods?

The years between a child’s sixth and eighteenth birthdays are about how long it takes for a child to become a grown human being. Just 12 years to go from essentially being a toddler to an adult. There’s so much to learn about life, about love, about how the world works and one’s place in it.

Parents, of course, are critical in this process. But they have help from aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, and other members of an extended family. The bonds formed with family are stronger than any relationships a child will form except perhaps a spouse, who will be welcomed into most families as a full-fledged member of the family unit.

But the pandemic has short-circuited the process of forming these bonds. Not just with family, but lifelong friendships are also developed in these years. Interacting with others is crucial to developing socialization skills that allows a child to function in the larger world. read more

17 Comments on Government Lockdowns Have Stolen the Childhoods of Millions of Children

  1. That cost is cheap – if you’re Bill Gates, or Anthony “I own a patent on the covid vaccine” Fauci, or Soros, or Joe “My son is a junkie” Biden, or that ignorant slut Harris. Or their ChiComm handlers.

    Hate to dredge this up again: but we’re at war.

  2. I try to make life as normal as possible for the preschool children in my class this year. But I still ache for my students who lost a half year last year and then had to do ZOOM Kindergarten! Outrageous, lunatic insanity.

    The damage will be incalculable; everything builds on everything else. Inadequate or missing foundation stones will cause immense problems later on. TELL ME the powers that be didn’t factor that in….

  3. Lot of vain selfish new style 40 plus to 80 year olds that are very different than my grand parents, parents, and myself were.

    Working on construction for 34 years so far, I realize that I am about as valuable & replaceable as a drill bit. Most white collars do not feel that way.

    Any day I could fall off a roof and SPLAT, or juice myself with some big hydro. Don’t care.

  4. …don’t forget that they have crippled the kids’ immune system development with this crap, too.

    Normal children cough one-act other, hand each other toys with hands they just wiped their noses with, poke each other in the face with fingers that weren’t washed after using the bathroom, swap lunches with kids who are adverse to taking baths…and on and on, a million interactions with other children that famously make kids little disease incubators…but ALSO develops kids’ IMMUNE systems that they’re going to use their whole LIFE.

    All over a disease that is DEMONSTRABLY not more harmful to kids than any OTHER flu.

    …so now, in addition to them having the social development of a millennial gamer, they will add to it the immune system of the Boy in the Bubble, that hasn’t seen anything, been exposed to anything, and so hasn’t learned to DEAL with anything.

    …and at some point, they will have to live their life in the Democrat internationalized world with Juan and Kwame and Xi Lin, who DO have robust immune systems from growing up on top of one another in packed communities and houses and marketplaces, and when they eat a pizza prepared by Amadou Diallo they WILL get suck with all the world’s diseases that all the world provided from all the processing plants that made all the toppings no matter HOW “No contact” the delivery of said pizza was, and in all probability they will die like a SciFi alien of a common cold that their bodies never learned to fight, and the mere presence of Dr. Singh trying to save them will only make it WORSE.

    God created us as social animals to interact with each other closely, and gave us an immune system to match. Keeping kids of of contact with each other even as you invite the entire unvetted world with literally all the world’s diseases in so flies in the face of the system God set up, that we’re likely to see American kids die from the most common of colds.

    …but perhaps that, too, has been the plan all along, seeing as how the Fauchis of the world KNOW all this and do it ANYWAY…

    …the Democrats are insidious, but thorough. Not all attacks are head on and visible.

    Theu may have set our next generation up to die in the most fearful, disease ridden way possible.

    Which fear they can use to exert even GREATER control until the next generation is consumed by illness and terror.

    And it’s not an accident.

    At ALL.

    …weep for the children, their own government may have murdered them in cold blood and they just don’t even KNOW it yet..

  5. Well had something like this happened 15-20 years ago when we were homeschooling our kids… it might have cut down a little on the weekly field trips, the community theater, and the tennis lessons… and the kiddies might just have spent more of the year, rather than only a month of the summer, on grandpa’s farm, swimming, hiking, working, creating, and playing. Otherwise…

    Save for high school kids wanting college sports scholarships and opportunities, I’m not clear on what artificially shoving hoards of same-age kids together in a classroom actually does that is crucial for their learning or for adolesents’ “social development”. “Life-long bonds”? Not as likely anyway for kids from urban areas without cohesive communities who move away for college.

  6. Well, I’ve been down so goddamn long

    That it looks like up to me

    Well, I’ve been down so very damn long

    That it looks like up to me

    Yeah, why don’t one of you people
    A-come on and set me free?

    – Jim Morrison

  7. It has not been a tragedy. That would imply that something bad just seemed to happen all by an inocent mishap. It has been a purposeful, monsterous act.

    A hard question was just posed by a Washpost columnist, believe it or not. The question relates to Fauci and the gain of function research at the Wuhan lab. the columnist says the questions have to be asked.

    But the bigger question is, who will ask the questions?
    The one thing we can count on is that the republicans in congress will not be the ones to ask the questions and to help protect us. THEY ARE SCUM.

    Did you ever notice that republicans in congress will never accuse the other side of a crime, even when there are crimes? They stick to asking policy questions of the other side. Case in point: rand paul

    And the other side, democrats, never want to ask policy questions, they only want to accuse republicans of a crime, even when there is no crime. Like russiagate. and claiming trump of treason for every single thing he did.

    We are on a team that is designed to lose every battle.

  8. Now, look at this thru the eyes of a commie. Those children didn’t loose anything, they gain something. Closer ties to your government, more dependency on it, the only family that counts.
    The rest, so called “family”, “friends” are something those children suppose to learn how to watch and listen and report.
    So everything is according to THE PLAN.

  9. I don’t know–I’ve seen a lot of kids biking to the fishing hole with their poles during this past year and actually walking around our small town together. They weren’t even trick or treating on their own anymore, only going to organized parties. but now maybe more adventurous and parents maybe more willing to let them out. Tired of gaming at home.

  10. Horsewhip 2 years of LIFE out of EVERY libtard in the country. In town squares across the land.

    STARTING with SlowJoe, BlowHo, Schmuckles, Pe-LOUSY, & Mickey Mauci. 😡

  11. My 7-year-old son, who has wanted to be a paleontologist since he was 5, is now afraid of germs and dying from them.

    If he touches the dog, he must wash his hands immediately.

    If he touches his own feet, he must wash his hands immediately.

    If he touches dirt (you know, the stuff paleontologists have to dig through in order to do their jobs), he must wash his hands immediately.

    His hands are chapped and cracked from repeatedly being washed and sanitized.

    His spirit has been crippled by unwarranted fear.

    For those responsible for instilling him and so many others with a spirit of fear, I wish a long, miserably painful life; one where death eludes them, no matter how desperately they beg for it. It’s the only fitting way to repay them.

  12. “Perhaps they will be able to quantify the cost of lost human liberty and personal freedom.”


    But remember, history is written by the winners.

    And also erased by the winners.

    …right now…that ain’t us.

    Enjoy this pertinent musical interlude.

    “When they turn the pages of history
    When these days have passed long ago

    Will they read of us with sadness
    For the seeds that we let grow?

    We turned our gaze
    From the castles in the distance

    Eyes cast down
    On the path of least resistance

    Cities full of hatred
    Fear and lies

    Withered hearts
    And cruel, tormented eyes

    Scheming demons
    Dressed in kingly guise

    Beating down the multitude

    And scoffing at the wise

    The hypocrites are slandering
    The sacred halls of truth

    Ancient nobles showering
    Their bitterness on youth

    Can’t we find
    The minds that made us strong?

    Oh, can’t we learn
    To feel what’s right and what’s wrong? What’s wrong”
    -Rush, “A Farewell To Kings”

    (Instrumental till 1:40)


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