Governor ‘Big Oil Brown’ Jets Off to Paris Climate Summit – IOTW Report

Governor ‘Big Oil Brown’ Jets Off to Paris Climate Summit

BigGovernment: With a whistle-blower leveraging the scandal regarding use of state staff to apparently evaluate geological data for the profitability of “fracking” on his private land, California Governor “Big Oil Brown” is headed for the limelight at the Paris climate change summit.

As Governor Brown joins President Obama and the official U.S. delegation flying to Paris, enthusiasm for world government controlling world economic activity has dwindled on the cusp of opening ceremonies for the United Nations Conference of Parties (COP 21).

Despite a survey by GlobeScan indicating that worldwide interest in an ambitious and binding agreement to address “global warming” has fallen to the lowest level since Brown took office in 2009, the Governor “Moonbeam” hopes to be in the limelight as global climate change’s biggest advocate. read more

8 Comments on Governor ‘Big Oil Brown’ Jets Off to Paris Climate Summit

  1. You can betcherass that Jerry and his entourage will be taking copious notes in Paris, so that every single hair-brained idea they hear will be submitted as new legislation in the Kallyfornea Gubment. What doesn’t pass, Jerry will be glad to try and implement via Executive Order ala Obama.

  2. I wonder if our idiot green weenie governor Jay Inslee is going to be going to that so called globull warming conference in Paris? If he’s not he’ll sure be there in spirit. Any other state want to trade us for a real governor, we’ll throw in some apples and some potatoes and some Wash. wine. Take our governor please, he’s starting to make Christine Gregoire and Gary Locke look good by comparison. What a putz!

  3. Chieftain, why don’t they just fence off the Yakima Firing Range between Yakima and Ellensburg and house all the Syrian refugees there. I can’t think of a more appropriate desolate place to put them. There isn’t a damned thing up there but sagebrush and rattlesnakes and it gets hotter than hell during the Summer just like Syria. Or down around Hanford where they’d have a triple whammy of sagebrush, rattlesnakes and radiation from the Hanford nuclear facility.

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