Governor Christie’s Newest Anti-Gun Sleight Of Hand – IOTW Report

Governor Christie’s Newest Anti-Gun Sleight Of Hand– In a desperate attempt to convince the public that he supports the Second Amendment, the virulently anti-gun New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie,  applauded a report by a “commission” that he created and filled with his pals, to “study” New Jersey’s notoriously anti-gun laws.

chris christie

The report is simply a restatement of the constant complaints by citizens which have been raised by our friends at the New Jersey Second Amendment Society.

Sure, the “report” looks official in all of its typed 34 pages.  But what does it really say?  Well, first, if Chris Christie was really on our side, he would have created this so called “commissionwithin 30 days of being sworn into office in 2010.


18 Comments on Governor Christie’s Newest Anti-Gun Sleight Of Hand

  1. “unregistered receivers”. They make it sound like they’re passing out free weapons to gang bangers.
    Where those receivers were not registered is in their A&D books. Acquisition and Disposition. So in other words as soon as they slap a serial number on a lower it’s got to be recorded. They have 24 hours to complete that task. That’s when it’s acquired, when it’s sold the FFL number of the gun store they sold it too needs to be recorded in the Disposition section. It’s internal paper work. But if you don’t stay on top of it the meanies will get you. Rumor has it they’ve been after Stag for some time.

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