Vivek Ramaswamy is no longer part of the government efficiency commission that President Donald Trump selected him to lead alongside billionaire Elon Musk.
Ramaswamy’s departure from the Department of Government Efficiency was confirmed hours after Trump took office Monday.
Ramaswamy, who sought the 2024 Republican nomination for president, has signaled plans to run for governor of Ohio. more
Beat Dewine? I can get behind that. The RNC has pushed rinos on us Ohioans long enough
He sat in the back row yesterday. Knew something was up
Yeah, Ramswampy will have a great time running for governor of blue collar Ohio with all his remarks basically implying that whites are too stupid to do jobs meant for Indians who literally worship cow shit.
IDK, Cincinnati already has a dot Indian Mayor and he’s fully as Communist as they tend to be…bad enough we get the RINOS for governor, we dont need one with a Brahman executive class overlay as well…
Tuesday, 21 January 2025, 11:03 at 11:03 am
“Beat Dewine?”
…no need. He’s term limited. Whatever comes next, it wont be him, and good riddance
SNS^^^Don’t count him out. Commiefornia changed the law so newscum could run again.
Welcome to Ohio. Thank you, come again!
Ohio most certainly has done far worse.
I worked for Dun & Bradstreet Software when they figured out they could hire a H1B1 recent college graduate for 40% less than an American college grad in the early 90’s. D&B cut their own throats as they also embraced diversity in management rolls by the late 90’s. I was a supervisor that was being groomed for my managers position when he retired in 2021. The female person of color that got the position replaced me with a H1B1 in less than a year. The division that I worked for folded 2 years latter. I never found another IT job.
No Joke, You can’t even be a Gobbvenor in Ohio unless You have an Indian Accent.
Ohio GOP hand picks all their candidates, usually candidates are promoted up the ladder from State Representative, Ohio Senate, U.S.House, U.S.
Senate, back to Ohio Atty. General, Lt. Governor and then Governor. They are an incestuous sort.
Ohio Governor Ramaswamy would be a gust of fresh air from the RINO DeWHINE or the Ohio establishment GOP.
We’ll see if my state Ohioians will vote for Ramaswamy.
Maybe we could rid ourselves of RINO U.S. Representative Mike Turner, Trump dumped his ass off the his position as chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Then he was ousted from the entire committee.
Dayton will probably keep electing this RINO.