Gowdy Engages In One Last Tussle With Fauxcahontas Over His Post-Congressional Plans – IOTW Report

Gowdy Engages In One Last Tussle With Fauxcahontas Over His Post-Congressional Plans

DC: Former Republican South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy took a parting shot at Democratic Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren over his future career endeavors after she attacked him on Twitter Friday afternoon.

The spat began when Warren tweeted a story from The Daily Caller outlining Gowdy’s future plans since he retired from the House after serving four terms.

She captioned the link, “[Trey Gowdy] foamed at the mouth with power in Congress, then retired because he claimed he didn’t enjoy it. Now it’s clear: Trey Gowdy just wanted a fat lobbyist paycheck. That should be illegal.”

Gowdy took offense with the insinuation and tweeted back at her: “I’m not lobbying. Not now. Or ever. Perhaps you were cracking open a beer when that was announced. Don’t mind your criticisms. Just be more sensitive to facts.” read more

15 Comments on Gowdy Engages In One Last Tussle With Fauxcahontas Over His Post-Congressional Plans

  1. To paraphrase a Texas saying, Gowdy has proven to be all hair-style and no cattle. Never trust an individual that changes their hairstyle more often than their underwear.

  2. @Bubba’s Brother January 5, 2019 at 2:13 am

    > Never trust an individual that changes their hairstyle more often than their underwear.

    So, it’s settled. 2020: Rise of the bald commandos

  3. @anonymous – they don’t have to be bald, just honest for a change ……. and not care more about their hair style than they do their country. I think Trey Gowdy cares more about his hair style and popularity than he does his own country. He’s a shallow, self-aggrandizing, sanctimonious sack of pig shit as far as I’m concerned.

    Based on my own experience, prosecutors and judges are some of the most corrupt, vile, evil individuals that ever drew a breath on this earth ……. and Gowdy is a willing participant of the same corrupt crew as long as he believes it increases his “popularity”.

    I’ll tell you what I really think about him and his ilk in later post.

  4. Fuck Fauxcahontas.
    She’s a “Lobbyist” while a sitting Senator!
    That IS illegal!
    She’s a liar, a traitor, and a corrupt politician.
    Not to mention an Affirmative Action Indian Fraud (not sposed to mention that).

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. At one time I really liked Gowdy. At first I was taken in with the way he ripped into people and situations. As time went on I noticed that NOTHING ever came from it. Proving himself ineffective and therefore useless.
    I have no time or patience for anything or anyone who is ineffective and useless.

  6. I’m with JC. For quite a while, I thought Gowdy was fantastic in his role in Congress. After a while, I began to sour on him like a bottle of milk that’s been left out in the sun. Really disappointed in what he ended up as.

  7. I think the first thing that happens when new people get to Washington is that they’re compromised. Something is brought up about their past or they’re baited in some way.
    This is hung over their heads to ensure compliance.
    It’s exactly why the Clintons were,are so feared, they were masters at it.

  8. Why would Warren spend political capital on a random someone in her opposition that is retiring? Is it possible there is a personal animus between the two?

    Generally speaking, unforced examples like this must be due to the Dhimmicrats feeling emboldened. And when they feel emboldened, they start to make unnecessary careless mistakes.

    Hold the line!

  9. Unfortunately the Daily Caller could’ve done a little more digging regarding the law firm that Gowdy is going to work for. While they are well known in Columbia SC, Gowdy will be in the Greenville SC office.

    “Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP is a U.S. law firm and lobby group based in Columbia, South Carolina. In 2018, the American Lawyer ranked the firm as the 87th largest law firm in the nation based on 2017 gross revenue. It is the largest law firm in South Carolina, according to a S.C. Lawyers Weekly Survey”

    Law Firm AND Lobby Group


  10. Like every other politician and/or retired government employee…..

    Pull their damn clearance…..

    If they’re not in a job that requires a current clearance to government work….

    Pull their damn clearance…..

    Treat them like you treat lower and middle ranks in our military……when you no longer need a clearance to do the military’s work……

    They pull your damn clearance.


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