Gowdy Got the Fanfare, But Representative Will Hurd’s Questioning Made a Jerk Out of Comey – IOTW Report

Gowdy Got the Fanfare, But Representative Will Hurd’s Questioning Made a Jerk Out of Comey

The highlight of this must-see video was when Hurd asked Comey what would happen to an FBI employee if they did what Hillary did.

Comey said everything from “termination to reprimand, and everything in between.”

Hurd wonders, then, why nothing at all is happening to Clinton, and isn’t that setting a precedent. Why isn’t this a “case of first impression?”

Comey’s answer is idiotic. After agreeing that what Clinton did put people’s lives at risk Comey says it wouldn’t be fair to prosecute Clinton.


ht/ C. Steven Tucker

21 Comments on Gowdy Got the Fanfare, But Representative Will Hurd’s Questioning Made a Jerk Out of Comey

  1. Peter Parker failed to stop a crook and that crook ended up murdering his Uncle Ben.

    James Comey could have saved the country right then and there.
    He could have had his own 5th of July holiday.
    He could have been on the 5 dollar bill.
    What a damn fool and a damn shame.

  2. Violations of 18 USC (the parts dealing with classified information) actually do have meaning under the often misused ‘National Security’ umbrella. Most especially the parts dealing with compartmented information that would identify human assets used to gather such information.

    We have a ‘duty of care’ which is something quite rare in the normal operation of our governmental activities. This duty is incurred because the disclosure of these pieces of information could well result in the harming up to and including death of those providing the information.

    To treat these items of information with anything other than the highest regard and with all due respect as to their importance is to shit on the lives of people who risk everything in service to their country.

    I think Hillary has illustrated exactly what those people mean to her.

  3. Gowdy who? Mr.Will Hurd really did kick his ass. As bad as Hillary looks right now I’m going to be surprised if she is the nominee. Can you imagine being so morally bankrupt that she would be your presidential candidate?

  4. So what I got out of that was Comey says FBI personnel would face disciplinary action if similar malfeasance was discovered. (Though he was careful to say they would not face prosecution.)
    And there was some blathering about justice etc.

    But still, Cankles walks…free as a bird.

    Because why?
    It was her first time??!

    And he said it with a straight face.

  5. Obama will have quite the legacy–gun running that ended with the deaths of an American border patrol agent and citizens in France, a failed healthcare scheme, trillions in debt, appointing the most corrupt and inept Secretary of State ever resulting in the deaths in Benghazi and a refugee crisis in Europe, the deal that gave Iran the path to nuclear weapons, and exacerbating the racial divide in the country while stoking distrust of the police.

  6. Comey: “My primary concern is the impact on what other employees might think, in the Federal government.”

    So it’s not about whether or not a crime was committed, but rather, about appearances. Gotcha. Another “civil” war may be at hand.

  7. I worked in the bottom level of the underground command post of Strategic Air Command Headquarters Building 500, on Offutt AFB in Omaha, Nebraska. I had access to all of the imagery produced by the Talent/Keyhole satellites operated by the National Reconnaissance Office/Air Force. After you made it past several security checkpoints that were manned by heavily armed SAC Elite Guards, you made your way to one of the dedicated vaults where our work was done. After you passed through the giant blast door of the vault, you entered a foyer where you were only permitted to pass through the second steel security door after being personally recognized by the security monitor or by having him verify that you were allowed access by checking your security badge with the master access list for that vault. I had to perform that duty about once a year and they made it very clear that if you let anyone into that vault who didn’t belong, your ass was screwed. Once, the guy who was on duty to insure nobody got in who didn’t belong there screwed up and let a high ranking officer use intimidation to gain access. It was probably an OSI officer trained to test security. We never saw the guy who let him in, again. We did, however, see him led away by two armed guards. By the way, none of the imagery from those satellites was marked “Top Secret”, but it was and we all understood very well that it had better not be mishandled in any way. If you were to even inadvertently place any of that material into your coat pocket and left that vault, it would cost you a trip to Leavenworth. It sickens me that Hillary is getting away with what she has done.

  8. @ Hambone. We have an entire administration commited to the destruction or at least the pulling down of this nation. If THAT does not constitute a domestic enemy then nothing does.

  9. @ Racer X. WHAT? it should be obvious, this is mission accomplished. The door to communism is jacked wide open right now.
    When he tells our military to fire upon citizens they will obey.

  10. Fucking Comey is quite the shit talker-he absolutely made no sense. I didn’t even realize Hurd was black until I looked him up for some info. Man I wish he was my Congressman.

  11. I wish I could express my thoughts as well as Hambone just did. God awful what these clowns have done to this great nation. Never was much of a prayer but I am a praying’ nowadays for sure.

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