Gowdy Suggests Clinton Pal Sid Blumenthal Is Key Dossier Source – IOTW Report

Gowdy Suggests Clinton Pal Sid Blumenthal Is Key Dossier Source

Daily Caller: Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy suggested on Fox News Tuesday evening that Hillary Clinton confidant Sid Blumenthal is one domestic source for the infamous dossier alleging dangerous connections between President Donald Trump and Russia.




Gowdy told “The Story” host Martha McCallum that Blumenthal gave information to Christopher Steele, the former intelligence officer who authored the dossier which served as the basis for a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court warrant Republicans say was politically motivated.

Weeks before the 2016 election, someone in former President Barack Obama’s State Department was feeding information to Steele from a foreign source, but there was also a domestic source.

“When you hear who the source or one of the sources of that information is, you’re going to think, ‘Oh my gosh, I’ve heard that name somewhere before. Where could he possibly have been?’” Gowdy said.

“I’m trying to think of Secretary Clinton defined him,” Gowdy said. “I think she said he was an old friend who emailed her from time to time.”  more here

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