Gowdy to nominate Paul Ryan for speaker – IOTW Report

Gowdy to nominate Paul Ryan for speaker


Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., will nominate Rep. Paul Ryan to be speaker of the House Wednesday.

A House GOP aide confirmed to the Washington Examiner on Tuesday that Gowdy, the chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, will deliver a speech during a House GOP conference meeting to convince his fellow lawmakers to back the Wisconsin congressman. [Washington Examiner]


17 Comments on Gowdy to nominate Paul Ryan for speaker

  1. Hey, Trey, you sure put on a good show for us. Congress, they say, is Hollywood for the ugly people. With that hair, you’d never be a leading man out west.

    And BTW, I’m through watching you or listening to you.

  2. What goes up must come down.

    Ryan is an Eddie Munster looking goof, but there’s also a 3 ring shit show going on for the GOP nomination.

    I can understand the need to swallow a lump now and then and honestly, Boehner already proved how worthless a GOP House Speaker can be.

  3. Regarding Cruz, please remember that he voted for the “fast track” of the Trans Pacific Partnership disaster, but (correct me if I’m wrong) also for the ANTI-Constitutional Corker amendment, requiring 2/3 of the Senate to reject (rather than to APPROVE, as in the Constitution) the TPP.


  4. Ted came out and explained that ad APOLOGIZED, explaining that McConnel LIED to him about what was intended with the bill. He came out and repdiated the bill and voted against it in the end.

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