Graham Attacks Double Standard On Using Tear Gas To Protect The Border – IOTW Report

Graham Attacks Double Standard On Using Tear Gas To Protect The Border

Daily Caller-> South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham pointed out Tuesday night the hypocrisy surrounding both President Barack Obama and President Donald Trump’s use of tear gas to prevent people from crossing the southern border during his appearance on Hannity.

A group of about 100 migrants near the San Ysidro port of entry threw rocks and bottles at border agents in November 2013. The agents responded by shooting pepper balls into the crowd and forcing them back into Mexico, According to The San Diego Union-Tribune.

“How long does it take you to figure this out? When it comes to Obama, when he uses tear gas, he is protecting the country. The narrative is that Trump is a cruel, heartless bastard, only works if he uses tear gas on kids, and it undercuts the argument that if the Obama Administration used tear gas to protect our border from being overrun,” Graham began.

“The question for the country is what do you say to the people that shot the canisters?” He asked. “I stand behind the men and women on the border standing between us and people who want to cross illegally. When you are slamming the tear gas, you are slamming the people we put on the border to protect us. That’s what disgusts me the most.” Watch

7 Comments on Graham Attacks Double Standard On Using Tear Gas To Protect The Border

  1. It’s great that Graham seems to be keeping the spine he so recently found however if he’s on Fox he’s likely preaching to the converted. He should be on CNN, or MSNBC, ABC etc and making this same point (with the same language) to those people that aren’t hard left but have been swayed by the left propaganda disguised as news on the MSM. If he can get them to start to think then Chris Matthews will be feeling a lot more warm tingling down his legs but this time it will be leaving a long dark stain culminating in pools of liquid around his feet.

  2. I am wondering how long before Lindsey is outed as a gay man by the leftist gaystapo. The new Lindsey must be really pissing them off. They must be waiting until his reelection campaign.

  3. Whatever spirit hath possessed Graham got ahold of Meghan Mccain this morning. I was flipping through channels and landed on The View and decided to watch when I heard her talking about Dem/Left hypocrisy on the border issue. Holy crap! She seemed genuinely pissed, then went after them on Climate Change hypocrisy. This carried into the next segment and Whoopie was left having to explain and justify why she flies in a private jet and leaves a huge carbon footprint. Its because shes “afraid to fly” and she doesn’t want to be bothered having to talk to people, because she’s so popular and all.

  4. Let’s be careful to note we are NOT bashing the leftists like Obama for using tear gas in cases like this.
    – We want them to do this.

    We ARE bashing and sick of the media for expressing outrage ONLY at Republican activities.
    – Even good behaviors.

  5. Still don’t trust Graham. Just wait ‘til he’s enthroned Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Just remember the promise he made to ensure Spygate and HRC/CGI are investigated to conclusion.

    Gowdy’s bequeathed to Lindsey, his congressional rule book, “Smoke, Mirrors, and other methods, designed to protect your friends’ illegal activities, while mesmerizing your audience into a hypnotic stupor”.

    Lindsey WILL follow the rule book.


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