Graham’s contribution to this SCOTUS process cannot be understated – IOTW Report

Graham’s contribution to this SCOTUS process cannot be understated

We’ll give credit when credit is due. Graham Sans McStain is an asset, so far.

23 Comments on Graham’s contribution to this SCOTUS process cannot be understated

  1. Yep, Graham was magnificent in this last week.

    And I can’t overstate how glad I am that selfish piece of shit McVain is dead; so he couldn’t fuck this up, just to be his completely self-involved, Trump-hating, asshole self.

  2. @BFH

    You are now tasked with creating a Lindsey Graham MVP Senate Judicial Committee 2018 T-shirt, mug or sticker. (Picture to forward to Lefties works as well.)

    Actually, it would be kind of cool if you got a whole bunch of Turning Point USA or Young Republicans to go to the next Senate Judicial Committee meeting and chant “MVP” while wearing Lindsey Graham T-shirts. That would stick in the craw of the Dem’s like Booker, Feinstein, Blumenthal and Harris. Plus it would be fun to watch.

  3. McCain’ timely kicking of the bucket before he could throw a wrench in the works can not be oveststated as a reason this did not get FUBAR. The dirty son of a bitch did his best to screw it up as his swan song. Too little too late, too bad, so sad for the rotten old bastard.

  4. I already had a beer for Brett.
    Think I’ll have another for Lindsey!
    THAT was a dressing down if I’ve ever seen one! They sat there stunned!
    He handed them their ass X 1,000!!

  5. Anonymous, regardless of what we think of Lindsey in the past, it’s undeniable he had 5 good minutes at a time in which we needed 5 good minutes. I don’t believe Justice Kavanaugh would be confirmed had someone not spoken out. Hard to imagine it was Lindsey, but he did in fact come through.

  6. Twitter people are telling Graham how disappointed McCain would be with him. He’s rolling in his grave, etc. I replied to a couple of them, but they didn’t seem to appreciate my input and ended the conversation. 😀

  7. I’m okay with lifting Lindsey up and carrying him on my shoulders to celebrate him doing something right.
    I’m also okay with dropping his ass in a pit when he fucks up again.
    Same goes for Kavanaugh.
    It’s only fair.
    I’m versatile like that. 😉

    As for McCain, he’s where he should be and we freed his zombie. lol!


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