Grammar Checks Online Find Nothing Wrong With the Phrase “Be Best,” But Idiot Leftists Find A Lot Wrong – IOTW Report

Grammar Checks Online Find Nothing Wrong With the Phrase “Be Best,” But Idiot Leftists Find A Lot Wrong

Melania’s “Be Best” campaign is being mocked by leftists, a group that embraces ebonics and coddles students who speak mumble-moufed gibberish.

I checked it out online. It seems the phrase is perfectly fine.



I guess the left can’t imagine this dialogue:

Teacher: You’ve been working hard for a long, long time. Have you figured out yet what it is you want to be?

Rightwing Student With Ambition: Best.

Their conversations go more like this:

Teacher: You’ve been giving it a half-hearted effort a long, long time. Have you figured out yet what it is you want to be?

Leftwing Student With Testicles: Female.

Read the rest of the story HERE.

35 Comments on Grammar Checks Online Find Nothing Wrong With the Phrase “Be Best,” But Idiot Leftists Find A Lot Wrong

  1. So with all these bitches triggered and telling her she needs to improve her English, does that mean we’re getting rid of the “Dial 1 for English, 2 for Spanish” bullshit?

  2. The same dolts who think it’s marvy that Mexicans can press 1 for espanol, and who oppose making English our official language, are now Guardians of Grammar? Color me skeptical.

  3. Most people from Eastern Europe speak languages that borrow very heavily from Latin, which also doesn’t use articles.

    You can find people with math degrees from Russia, Poland, Hungary, etc., who have never gotten the hang of articles.

  4. They were accusing her of plagiarizing the Obama Administration, now they’re saying it came from a Federal Trade Department pamphlet written four years ago.

    What? People associated with the executive branch can’t utilize material from the executive branch?

    Maybe the First Lady approves of the original material and wants to make sure it is properly promoted, not stored away in some forgotten database in D.C., like the final scene in “Indiana Jones.”

  5. If she would have chosen the slogan “We be best” then the leftist teachers would have been fine with it since that’s how their students speak.

  6. Is this all coming from the same faction who brought us “woke”? As in “Be woke!”? Yes, indeed it is.

    There is nothing grammatically wrong with “Be best.” So there’s no need to defend its grammar. I’m rather surprised the Lefties didn’t attack the phrase for being exclusive, because one cannot be judged to be best unless there is a continuum from worst to best; something against which “best” can be compared.

  7. I’ll admit that Be Best seems awkward to me, as opposed to Be the Best, but I haven’t lost a wink of sleep over it.

    It still beats the Obama philosophy, Let’s Roll over.

  8. [quote]”Butt butt butt, Michelle has a lot of shtrength, and she’s so shtreet! And also, don’t forget she’s a ‘single mom’, too!”

    Wow MJA, for a minute I wasn’t sure if you were talking about Mooch or “ugly Wanda”.

  9. ThirdTwin,
    Worm Mother Andrea Mitchell triple hittin ye ole Symbicort . . . Good
    Glum faces as seen on MSNBC . . . Better
    An American POTUS in 60 mins . . . Best

  10. “You can find people with math degrees from Russia, Poland, Hungary, etc., who have never gotten the hang of articles.”

    That’s absolutely the truth. I copy edit accounting papers written by authors from all over the world. It’s part of the language that’s tough for some people to get the hang of, but only leftists would mistake it for a lack of intelligence.


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