Grammar Lesson – IOTW Report

Grammar Lesson

When to use “me” or “I” in a sentence:

The patriots of our nation work to regain freedom for you and I. = incorrect

This sentence is incorrect. Eliminate just two words and you will see why it is wrong:

The patriots of our nation work to regain freedom for I. = incorrect

Don’t be afraid to use the word “me” in a sentence just because your teacher told you to not say “Me and you.” That only counts if you use “me” first. “Me and you” is the same incorrect usage as “I and you.”

The patriots of our nation work to regain freedom for me. = correct

Isn’t this fun?😁

45 Comments on Grammar Lesson

  1. I hear doctors and college professors misusing “you and I” all the time. Surely some of them had nuns like I did, who drilled the “object of the preposition” into their heads.

    Would you say – “give to I? No, you would not. Between you and me, I think they have forgotten their grammar lessons.

  2. Now do there, their and they’re!
    And your and you’re.
    And to and too.
    And were and we’re.
    And should, shall, shan’t, will, won’t, would, wouldn’t, couldn’t and just plain can’t.
    And wiener, weenie, whiner and whiny.

  3. With all the fake made up pronouns crap, who cares?
    For years, people have been using plural (they and their) when referring to a singular noun just to make it gender neutral, e.g. make sure your child does their homework.

  4. “Me, too!” = CORRECT if its a substitution for an object.

    Give some cake to Bob! = CORRECT!
    Me, too! (Give some cake to me, too!) = CORRECT! (and required for the General’s health.)

    Me, too, love Italian. = INCORRECT!
    I, too, love Italian. (And so do you.) = CORRECT!

  5. English is a Germanic language. When the English teachers and English professors decided to standardize the grammar rules for English, They took the rules from Latin(Romance language) Sorta like programming your television with the microwave manual

  6. Kermit
    SATURDAY, 16 MARCH 2024, 19:52 AT 7:52 PM
    “When the English teachers and English professors decided to standardize the grammar rules for English, They took the rules from Latin(Romance language)”

    I can beat any sonofabitch in the house at dominoes vobiscum!

  7. To “me” the pronoun issue arises when “I” am reading something interesting, when out of the blue, the author refers to a thing like a dog or a bunny as “who,” and “I” am left with the annoyance that said author is a retard.

  8. I luv the way Trump wrote referring to you know who in GA, Fani and then in parentheses he wrote (pronounced Fauni!) something like that
    There’s many kids in school with such names it could take teachers half the year to accomplish anything when the kids are correcting the pronunciations all the time.

  9. oh forgive ! I saw that one about here!
    but yeah its on my library’s website 🙁 in small town
    must be all over USA

    I’ve been under the weather last several days

  10. Maybe you should ask president “I-me-my”….
    You know…
    The First Novelty President™
    The Golfer in Chief
    Car salesman-in-chief
    The affirmative action president
    It was all about him!
    Oh, did I mention that he is a f-ing, lying, liar who lies?


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