Grandma Defends Home With Shotgun – IOTW Report

Grandma Defends Home With Shotgun

The intruder tried a last desperate way of getting out of the predicament by trying to seducing the 78 year-old woman.


A 78-year-old grandma made a home intruder think twice when she was not afraid to pull out her weapon to hold him at gunpoint.

Sandy told KIRO-TV she knew something was wrong when her dog “BooBoo” started barking nonstop one night. Next thing she knew, she was face-to-face with the suspect at her door.

“I opened my door and standing right two feet from me, was a man. We looked at each other for a few minutes and he turned and started to leave, and I said, ‘Oh no you don’t. You stay right there,’ and I reached over and got my shotgun and I cocked it and I told him to stay right there because he was going to turn and walk away. (I) told him to go out, sit on the steps. I followed him out, and when he got to the bottom of the step I told him to sit down. I just stood there with the shotgun waiting for the police to come,” she said.

“He said, ‘Well you know, I was really hoping to get laid.’ 


ht/ billy fuster

14 Comments on Grandma Defends Home With Shotgun

  1. The intruder tried a last desperate way of getting out of the predicament by trying to seducing (sic) the 78 year-old woman.

    “I was hoping to get laid.”

    The timeless art of seduction. Has that line actually worked for him before?

  2. Interesting how she stated he was submissive. When she said sit down, that is what he did. Didn’t try to fight her, which I think he might have been able to over take her BUT I don’t know that for sure. So since Anonymous said he was planning to rape her, that is what rapist do from what I heard. It’s all about the control of their victim. Well, he had no control over the situation at all. Good for her for deflating that balloon!

    God Bless us all!!


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