Grassley Responds To Coons’ Latest Allegation That Kavanaugh Attended Party Where a Prostitue Performed – IOTW Report

Grassley Responds To Coons’ Latest Allegation That Kavanaugh Attended Party Where a Prostitue Performed

Wash Exam-

Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, has rebuked Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., after Coons submitted new allegations to Grassley involving Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Grassley, the Senate Judiciary Committee chairman, said the allegations had “all the makings of a tabloid headline” and deserved “unqualified condemnation.”

The accuser claims to have hosted a party in the late 1980s, during a time when Kavanaugh would’ve been in his first year at Yale, and claims that the party had “salacious behavior.” The accuser claims that the party, which he hosted, had a local prostitute come and perform a public sex act to a “semi-circle of cheering frat brothers.”

I bet Flake soothed Coons with a gentle head massage.

34 Comments on Grassley Responds To Coons’ Latest Allegation That Kavanaugh Attended Party Where a Prostitue Performed

  1. Here’s some interesting info… Coons went to Amherst where he was a DKE, same frat as Kavanaugh at Yale. Coons got his BS (!) degree in ’85 but then went on to Yale Divinity where he got a M.A. in Ethics (!), followed by Yale Law for his J.D.

    The sex show frat party he talks about happened at Yale when he was studying there, and it took place at the fraternity of which he was a brother.

    Draw your own conclusions. If you’re a Democrat (yeah, right), this is PROOF! PROOF! that Coons is unfit to be a member of the human race, much less a U.S. senator.

  2. Ive been to 6 county fairs, 1 state fair, 2 donkey fux (mexico), and 1 goat rodeo.

    But, i’ve never seen anything as fukked up as this Kavanaugh saga.

    I started to inventory my ammo today…then just said ‘Aw, Hell’ too much in never enough.

  3. So Coons hosted a fund raiser, late ’80s eh? Nice to know now how long it’s been since he got F’ed stupid. Stormy is still wondering if that rash thing has cleared up.

  4. Coons endeavors to portray himself as a level-headed consensus-builder.
    In his salad days he proudly characterized himself a “red-bearded Marxist” !
    Divinity and ethics studies? LOL! he married money and that’s the ONLY reason anyone even knows his name.
    All Delawareans elected to national office have been filthy unAmericans. Even Castle, another bendover RINO.

  5. Not long ago Coons was on Tucker Carlson. Segment ended, commercial came and Coons just sat there, didn’t take his earpiece out or make any attempt to get up and leave. Out comes the second guest and ass hole Coons continued to sit there while the second guest was being interviewed. Unbelievable the guy is so dumb he didn’t even know enough to get up and leave. Carlson said at the end of the show, ” he Wouldn’t leave, he just wouldn’t leave”

    What a dumb jerk he is…………… pitiful

  6. I bet Flake soothed Coons with a gentle head massage.”
    It has been clear to those who took out their wallets and paid attention 17years ago when Flakes Congressional tour started that hw was a Bush/Obama/Rove UNIPARTY guy.

    Still is! So unless GWB beat him to it of course he did!

  7. Watch for Flakes reaction to this BS Coons is his butt buddy. Flake will say we have to investigate this allegation lets wait another week to vote. Now its Judge Kavanaugh’s demeanor you attack somebody for weeks con end and you expect him to sit there and take it. When he gets to respond not to unload on his accusers. If he would have responded the way they expected they would have said he should not be on the court because he does not show empathy for the accuser. Damned if you do and Damned if you don’t. I like people who counter punch and get right back in their faces.


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