Grassley Says Comey Appears To Have Leaked Classified Memo To Friend – IOTW Report

Grassley Says Comey Appears To Have Leaked Classified Memo To Friend

Daily Caller: James Comey may have leaked at least one classified memo to a friend shortly after he was fired as FBI director.

That’s an assessment from Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Chuck Grassley, who wrote a letter to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on Wednesday demanding answers about the handling of memos that Comey wrote following his conversations with President Trump.

Grassley noted that he and his staff recently reviewed seven memos that Comey wrote after his meetings with Trump. Four of those documents contained information classified as “CONFIDENTIAL” or “SECRET.”

Grassley also pointed to past reporting that Comey gave four memos of his conversations with Trump to a friend, Columbia law professor Daniel Richman.

“If it’s true that Professor Richman had four of the seven memos, then in light of the fact that four of the seven memos the Committee reviewed are classified, it would appear that at least one memo the former FBI director gave Professor Richman contained classified information,” Grassley writes.

Comey acknowledged during a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing in June that after he was fired by Trump on May 9, he gave memos to a friend, later identified as Richman, with instructions to provide one of the documents to the press.

Comey acknowledged that his goal with the leak was to force the creation of a special prosecutor to take over the Russia investigation.  read more

11 Comments on Grassley Says Comey Appears To Have Leaked Classified Memo To Friend

  1. Criminal James comey will soon get is medicine. this people can just enjoy it while it lasts because they have limited time to enjoy. Because a bunch of them are going to jail take this to the banks

  2. These congressmen sure are sharp, it’s no wonder they have been elected to represent the American people. How did he figure that out? Is he a direct descendant of Einstein? Do you think his plan is to continue studying all the possibilities, or do you think someone with authority might take over and prosecute?

  3. Unless this assclown gets the next 50 years in a pound-you-in-the-ass federal pen, the “resistance” and “dumbledore’s army” will continue sedition and their soft coup.

  4. He needs to be in solitary confinement just to stop his insipid, platitudinous, sanctimonious tweeting. And a note to Jim Hoft at Gateway: Please stop calling his tweets “cryptic”; They are pathetically obvious.

  5. It “appears” that Grassley woke up and will do something about the release of classified information. You know, like he did with Hillary, Huma, Mills and all the rest who used and forwarded classified information on a private server.

    Surprise ! Nothing will be done.

    Grassley is such a kidder.

  6. The sun appears to rise in the east. It doesn’t really, we just kind of roll underneath it. But the result observed from the ground is the same. If Comey appears to have leaked, he did. With intent too.

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