Grassley Wants Details on Why DOJ Declined to Prosecute Senior FBI Official – IOTW Report

Grassley Wants Details on Why DOJ Declined to Prosecute Senior FBI Official

CTH: The DOJ Office of Inspector General released an interesting investigative summary report today following a review of a “senior FBI official” accepting tickets from a “television news corespondent” and lying to investigators about the events.  The IG noted “criminal prosecution was declined”.  Now Senator Chuck Grassley wants the details



6 Comments on Grassley Wants Details on Why DOJ Declined to Prosecute Senior FBI Official

  1. Horowitz’s findings were predictable — as all of his findings are. He was appointed in ’12 by obama. Another key position in the DOJ held by an obama holdover.

    One of the biggest disappointments (to me) about this administration is the continuing, open lawlessness of gov’t employees and elected officers, and the apparent two-tiered system of justice afforded them. Why POTUS Trump keeps playing cat-and-mouse word games about replacing Sessions and seriously cleaning house at the DOJ is unfathomable to me. I don’t understand why he apparently thinks the DOJ is “hands off.”

  2. So the senior FBI agent convicted of accepting expensive sporting tickets from more then one reporter without reporting it to his boss gets to retire during the investigation with no consequences to his actions. Grassly needs to haul into his office whoever allowed this to happen and demand reasons why.

  3. No, not “demand” reasons why. People need to get their asses handed to them, starting with the agent who accepted the tickets and ending with everyone who failed to discipline him over the issue.

    Government employees will continue behaving poorly until someone starts creating some disincentives for their poor behavior.


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