Grave Moment in American History – LEFTWING Control of Information – IOTW Report

Grave Moment in American History – LEFTWING Control of Information

7 Comments on Grave Moment in American History – LEFTWING Control of Information

  1. This has been going on for decades. The internet and social media have just made it more prominent. Think back to when Fox News was created. Until then, ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN had a lock on everything and controlled what you saw and heard. Throw in the newspapers and the NYT, WP, and USA Today controlled it.

    The relatively new 24/7 news cycle and the internet enabled a proliferation of sites and fortunately, enough of them are on the right that we now hear about the hidden items and behind-the-scenes shenanigans.

    Who remembers Dan Rather and his fake but true story?

  2. In the mid 80’s there were good books out about the leftist propaganda in the MSM. Sam Donaldson was trying to manipulate what you think with lies and omission long ago.

  3. God bless Tucker Carlson for having the moral compass, internal fortitude and courage to call out the corruption in ALL aspects of government – including, and especially, the dnc media lapdogs.

  4. “If Biden wins…”

    Even if Trump wins, these hubris-filled, corporate bastards aren’t going to stop doing the bidding of the CCP, Hillary Clinton, George Soros, Deep State, et al.

    BTW, if and when CWII starts, remember to take out their server farms first.


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