Gravity is Cancelled? – IOTW Report

Gravity is Cancelled?

Worry not, Bugs. No gravity, no crashes!

Gateway Pundit

Professors at Sheffield University want to put disclaimers on Isaac Newton’s theories because he benefited from “colonial-era activity,” and believe the physics curriculum should instead promote “inclusive design.”

Leaked documents show that the professors are planning to overhaul their physics courses to explain the “global origins and historical context” of Newton’s theories with an “inclusive curriculum development” plan.

Newton’s laws are the core of modern physics and laid the foundations of modern science with his theory of gravity, light, time, color and calculus — but these nutty professors want students to understand that he may have benefited from “colonial-era activity.” more

33 Comments on Gravity is Cancelled?

  1. Newton was a vindictive and petty guy. We learn that in Physics 101.

    Doesn’t change his contributions…..although as a mechanic, I could do without his measurement of force….

  2. They’ll probably remove the tree we was sitting under when the apple (supposedly) fell on his head. It’s still there, but for how long?

    Dr. Ian McScabies of Beezlebub College (formerly Christ College), Cambridge University: We strongly feel that without input from our black and brown brothers and sisters, and all the varied sexes in their wonderful rainbow glory, then Mr. Newton’s theories only support slavery of the oppressed peoples of the world.

    We don’t believe an apple fell on his head, rather he leaped upwards from his nap on account of being bitten on his bum by a rabid earthworm and hit the apple on the way up. With that, he should have invented rocketry. The fool also believed in God. That does it for us.

  3. @Briansbigfatidea

    They produce nothing useful but they do create paperwork, red tape & reproduce idiots at an alarming rate.

    They use hydro, eat, and drain societal resources.

  4. My kids went/go a school named after Newton

    A tribute to the, gravity, math, western science and English Law. Its private. It will not change its name. There are far too many students from India, Korea, China, and Western Europe and WASP to allow that Bullshit. Their Symphony is out of this world. CLASSIC EDUCATION not Ejukayshun.

  5. What goes up, must come down
    Spinning wheel got to go round
    Talkin’ ’bout your troubles, it’s a cryin’ sin
    Ride a painted pony, let the spinning wheel spin

  6. Whenever my son would fall or drop something when he was a kid, I used to tell him, “Gravity: it’s not just a good idea, it’s THE LAW.” So, now I guess gravity is now just a good idea?

  7. These cancel cultist “scientists” should volunteer to be test subjects of their no colonial-era gravity theory. They should get on top of the nearest high roof and jump off the edge. Doubt they’re that dedicated to real proof of their stupidity.

  8. Shut down all higher education. It is a total waste of time. All these “professors” can go work at a McDonalds in Florida. I heard they can’t find help down there.


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