Great Ann Coulter Interview – IOTW Report

6 Comments on Great Ann Coulter Interview

  1. I watched half of it. I wish she would stop fucking with her hair. Tie it back for fuck sake so I can pay attention. She makes great sense, but the constant pushing the hair back and then letting it fall back exactly where it was , annoys me. Give her a ribbon.

  2. I have a sister like that. I hope she has changed. But when we were young she had long blonde hair which always hung over her right eye, just like Coulter. At the dinner table she would constantly push the hair back and let it fall back over her eye. Used to drive my Dad crazy but he dare not say a word. But I used to say it for him. Sometimes she’d have a fork in her hand when she did it.
    I used to say I hope you stab yourself in the eye: why don’t tie is back with a shoe lace: Dad why don’t we clue it back? Why don’t you just cut it Mag? Shut up you, said the Mother of the House.

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