Great Idea if you Like Spit in your Latte – IOTW Report

Great Idea if you Like Spit in your Latte

Hey, here’s a great idea!!! Let’s get even with Starbucks by going there and buying lots of coffee, but making some crapbag lowly worker, who’s likely to spit in your order, write Trump on the cups!

Uhhhhh, no thanks. I just don’t go into Starbucks. Never have, never will.


There has been some bad blood between Team Trump and Starbucks since the 2016 campaign.

Instead of boycotting the company, supporters of the president-elect are going to Starbucks and telling the employees that their name is “Trump.” These cup protesters are taking selfies of their Trump-named cups and going to Twitter. The trending hashtag #TrumpCup is blowing up.

34 Comments on Great Idea if you Like Spit in your Latte

  1. I suppose you if enjoy overpriced coffee made for you by a person who has a degree in Gender Studies, Feminism or other useless degree at the same time financially supporting the Libtards who own Starbucks, go for it.

  2. Shit I convince our all local Star Bucks baristas to vote Trump. Save one. The girl with half her head shaved and massive metal in her face. She wasn’t having any of it. I won’t let her pour my coffee or get near my food.

  3. I don’t go to Starbucks. I make pretty good coffee at home, but if I ever wanted the Starbucks experience I’d pour myself a big cup a joe, yell my name out incorrectly, light a $5.00 bill on fire, then scrape the ashes into the cup.
    I might go into a Starbucks tho just to order up a Trump cup!
    Liberals – if ya ain’t pissin ’em off, yer just not trying hard enough!

  4. Today I visited Starbucks for maybe the 12th time in my life.
    (Dunking Donuts coffee is much better and cost much less) Anyway I gave my name as Trump for my order, the waitress (?) shuttered as I repeated my name. Then I sat where could watch my coffee being made for any foreign substance added, there was none. My order was called out as Tumpet, I
    corrected, loudly, which created a hush in the place.
    The employees and some of the customers had deer in the head light stares as I took my coffee, smiled proudly and left.
    I recommend this being done by others!!

  5. Seriously.
    If anyone reading this is buying a cup of Starbucks, for 5 bucks, please think about iOTW.
    For the price of a cup of coffee you can help a starving blogger.
    I wouldn’t ever buy a 5 dollar cup of coffee. I can’t afford that luxury.

  6. Comrade Docski,

    That gets really complicated. But I wear one every day. Wearing one now. I wonder if you do? The complicated part is do us conservatives bail and let the Nazis totally take over? Or do we stay and try and fight? Answer, I’m getting old, I’m out as soon as I can. Served my time.

  7. Small privately owned cafes are best.
    Donut Land, a hole in the wall, fantastic real made on the premises donuts. One of the employees looks like Joe Stalin which is a bit different. Best coffee ever and cheap.

    Being an unwashed, uneducated Trump voter I find Circle K or Get Go coffee better than Starbutt’s and much cheaper.

  8. there is no fuckin’ way in the world you would get me to support a company that promotes homosexual pedophilia (NAMBLA) & boycotts the St. Patrick’s Day Parade because it doesn’t promote homosexuality (instead of allowing homosexual participation … same w/ Heineken & Sam Adams)

    anyone that does, needs to have their head examined

    … is it so fucking hard to buy a decent coffee-maker & do it yourself? … oh no! I need my double-frucha-mocha-choka-triple-blowcha-latte’ every morning! …. go fuck yourself

    …. & I mean that humbly, kindly & sincerely

  9. If your whole Starbucks experience boils down to a name on your liberal sponsored cup, feel free to stop by my place. I’ll charge you only 4 bucks and donate 1 dollar of that split between the DNC, save the planet initiative and homosexual rights. There’s not much of a crowd to show off for here at my place, but you’re not accomplishing much by putting on a show for brain dead liberals at Starbucks anyhow.

  10. I guess the brain damaged hicks are showing up now. Pedophelia, NAMBLA? Haven’t heard that one. Prove it. You guys are jumping the fucking shark. I support local people I know. Also, StarBucks reversed their NoGun policy because just about everyone carries in my CALIFORNIA county. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a fan of the libs that run Star Bucks. But stop making shit up.

  11. I only make one exception to SBUX. They make something called a chestnut latte at Christmas time. It’s weird, it’s funky, it’s good. So little time left on this planet. (I won’t go to the one in on 15th. The ‘guy’ there has his makeup done professionally.)

  12. Starbucks was decent until the fags took over. I got hooked in the early 90’s, gave it up long ago. Who the fcuk goes to a coffee place for a fcuking milkshake or sprouts? When the retards behind the counter could whip up a milkshake faster than a black coffee, I had enough.

    Nowadays, I go to Dunkin Donuts. I can be the third person in line. While bumblefucknuts is trying to figure out what they want or worse, that fucking phone pay app. Sanjay or Niti is pouring my cup. They know I have exact change and want to get the fcuk out of there, just like they do.

  13. I went there for a hot chocolate today, the girl laughed, it took a long time, and it wasn’t hot. Don’t think anybody spit in the cup, but the trannie there creeps me out. Fun once, but not worth the trouble. I prefer to give the name as “hey you” anyway. The last time I gave my name someone else with the same walked out with my drink, LOL.

  14. Starbucks and Disney are my two ‘vices’ that I refuse to give up. Unless they literally start shoving homosexuality and hedonism in my face, I will probably continue to enjoy their product. I’ve tried alternative coffee places and they just don’t cut the mustard. Besides, I don’t think that me boycotting is gonna make much of an impact. I barely get coffee as it is. :/

  15. McDonalds used to have the worst coffee ever. Using inferior beans, blasted with ultra hot water to extract any flavor they could, it was weak and hot as hell. A customer scalded themselves when the cup spilled on their lap in the car.

    After getting sued for a few million, their coffee improved significantly. They’re right up there with Dunkin Donuts for a straight forward brewed coffee. McDonalds is my favorite.

  16. Did you blur out the Starbucks logo because it had boobs? Is that because the new controllers of the INTERNET might one day use that against you to find reason to BAN your blog?

    Interesting times we live in.

    AND NO, I don’t go to Starbucks. Haven’t been to one in a decade. I make my own cappuccinos and espressos. PLUS I honestly prefer regular coffee. 🙂 Maybe with a touch of Chicory in it.

  17. My son read me a copy of a twitter conversation from a Starbucks Barrista:

    First post: If anyone tells me their name is “Trump” and expects me to holler it out, I will spit in their coffee.

    Second post: I no longer work for Starbucks.

  18. i want to paint my nails with the letters T R U M P on one hand and P E N C E on the other and go to work and with the colors red white and blue, 5 letters for 5 fingers on both hands, hey hey hey

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