Great Interview With Jon Voight – IOTW Report

Great Interview With Jon Voight

It’s hosted by Mark Levin. I hope Levin learned a little something about why Donald Trump is the right man for this time in history.

51 Comments on Great Interview With Jon Voight

  1. Righteous people don’t mince words.

    I loved Voight’s voice over for Trump’s bio at the RNC.

    We’ve got ALL the cool people on our side. Sometimes I almost feel sorry for our enemies. (Nah, not really.)

  2. Jon Voight is the champ. I understand his two time co star Ricky Shroder has left the Hollywood madness and is leaning conservative now days.
    Don’t think I’ll ever be a Levin fan ever again.

  3. Are we going to keep throwing Mark Levin under the bus on this site?
    If we are that dumb we don’t deserve to win.

    TOW THE LINE 100% OR YOU ARE DEAD TO ME is not exactly a winning strategy.

    Levin has defended Trump countless times but many are ignorant of that fact or are just plain ignorant.

  4. “Are we going to keep throwing Mark Levin under the bus on this site?”

    Yep, that fucking Globalist pussy. The only reason he made the switch was because he was down to a two person audience on his radio show. I use to listen to him all the time back then. Was doing a lot of driving. He was a total ass. Honestly, i would have had more respect for him if he would have stuck to his guns. He didn’t. He followed the money. Not a fan. Never will be.

  5. That Mark Levin now frequently defends Trump & his policies on his shows in my view is more important than what his motivation is.

    Of course – It’s better if he truly believes Trump is the right President doing the right things for America than if his Trump support is only to attract a larger audience. Either way he’s providing reasons to the public to support Trump that are broadcast nationwide. Not attacks.

    Who knows – it might motivate voter turn out in Nov. Leading to increased GOP majorities in both houses of congress.

    As a bonus – Maxine Waters might end up having long incoherent babbling conversations, behind closed doors, with people wearing white coats while she’s wearing a jacket with a long tail, extra long sleeves & extra straps with buckles in odd places.

  6. Trump ran a campaign with almost no track record. He gave a lot of money to Democrats. Clinton, Kamala Harris, etc, etc.

    But when ge got elected, he had followed through in conservative policies not seen since Reagan.

    Seeing is believing. Campaign talk is historically just talk.

    I was adamantly against Trump in the primaries but he did the things necessary to win me over. And winning over people who may be inclined to be against you is the point.

    Reagan got the endorsement of the unions and then indicted them all.

  7. Voight delivers his positions with clarity and passion. He’s a man that is solidly grounded and at peace with himself.
    Having spent a career amidst the Hollywood crowd and their monolithic thinking it’s good to know there are others that share his views.
    Regarding Levin, who many find terribly flawed the question is would those people prefer one less voice in a divided country with an uncertain future?

  8. There are others who were vehemently against then-candidate Trump who have since become staunch allies. The difference between those and Levin is that Levin had an enormous platform from which to influence voters. And the only difference between Levin and Beck was that Levin didn’t roll his face in a plate of crushed Cheetos. So I ask: Would you have as much forbearance in your heart for Beck if was he, and not Levin, who interviewed Voight?

    It’s not so much that Levin opposed Trump — many people of good will and integrity did. It’s that Levin also repeated every kind of scurrilous lie in the service of that opposition, and in so doing he severely damaged his objectivity and credibility.

    Once burned, twice shy. I watched the interview to hear Jon Voight.

  9. I’m no expert, mind you, but Levin’s body language in this interview suggests to me that he is not in total agreement with Voight’s views – even those involving Israel, which you would think he would be.

    I could be wrong, of course.

  10. VietVet — I erased my comment about that. Didn’t want to appear too biased. It was apparent to me, too. Levin still harbors a deep suspicion — if not disdain — for POTUS Trump.

    It seems Levin is waiting to have his own biases vindicated at some point and he won’t make that mistake again. That’s why I don’t trust him. At all.

  11. LBS-

    As a blogger, if you don’t address the elephant in the room when you post something you’re efforts will suffer.
    If I just post a Mark Levin interview with no editorializing there will be many people who won’t watch unless I preface it with an acknowledgment of Levin’s past indiscretions and signal that despite that, I watched, this is cool.

    I didn’t think I was unduly harsh when I quipped that Levin could learn from Voight.

    He listened like a student, never once commenting on what Voight had to say about his full-throated endorsement of our president. Not even a head nod.

    So, I’m hoping he did learn a little something, rather than having to think that he might have been sitting there silently eye-rolling Voight.

    Levin gave no indication one way or the other.

    I’m not out of bounds dropping my quip in the preface to the video.

  12. “So, I’m hoping he did learn a little something, rather than having to think that he might have been sitting there silently eye-rolling Voight.”

    How big of you Fur.
    No, actually, how condescending of you.
    It just shows me you don’t really understand Levin or many of the folks that comment on this site.

  13. Levin repeated a lot of what Voight said and complimented on insights, even going so far to say he never heard anyone put his observations about the founding fathers “quite that way.” etc.

    His remarks about Trump, however, were met with silence, even a remarkable comment by Voight that contained a nod toward people who don’t fully support the president for whatever reason.
    “Trump is a man who is uniquely gifted with talents that are uniquely fitting for this moment in history.”
    So well put.
    Levin said nothing.

    That’s an observation, not an indictment.

  14. AA, your comment: “It’s that Levin also repeated every kind of scurrilous lie in the service of that opposition, and in so doing he severely damaged his objectivity and credibility.”

    Back it up.
    You can’t.
    Mark Levin does not peddle in lies.
    He never has.

    This PROVES to me that you only listen to the bullshit rumors and lies about Levin, you didn’t listen to him.
    Kind of the pot calling the kettle black.
    You have a bad, short memory regarding Trump’s missteps during the campaign.
    Mark Levin called out Trump’s mistakes.
    You don’t have to make up lies about Trump.
    Those rose colored Trump glasses are blinding your judgement once again.
    That is such a shame.

  15. Fur, that is Levin’s style regarding his Sunday interviews.
    It’s a fireside chat, not a pep rally.
    He doesn’t chime in, he lets people talk.
    This interview was not unique.
    Your bias against Levin is showing.
    Admit it.

    Even if Mark Levin donned Trump knee-pads you would still criticism him.

    The ironic thing is, you could take one of Levin’s many positive quotes about Trump and place it at the statue of the Presidential Library of Donald J. Trump.
    It would be a fitting 100% positive praise of the man.

    I’ll continue to appreciate Mark Levin and his vast knowledge and opinions.
    I’ll be forever grateful that he is on “our” side, regardless of ill advised naysayers.

  16. My understanding of what I am witnessing now is that it’s much more important to protect Mark Levin, and put the battle flag on that particular hill, rather than simply ignore the remarks by people who make pretty benign editorializations about an interviewer that once used his massive platform to try and lead the country astray.

    But I could be wrong.

  17. I understand the desire to have everyone on our side think the same way as we do.

    Think about that. Isn’t that what we criticize the left of doing? They want everyone in their circle to think the same, feel the same, talk the same. No dissenting thoughts or actions. Echo chamber.

    If we are for individual freedom, we will have people on our side that we disagree with. If you refuse to allow that, then you are NOT for individual freedom.

    Individuals have good points and bad points. It’s life. You can either accept people who have a majority of good points in your circle or you can shut them out and miss out on some of those good points.

    I just don’t want to live in a world where we are all cookie-cutters of each other.

  18. LocoBlancoSaltine – Oh dear… You just got a little condescending, too. 😉
    Anyway, I’ve noticed how you automatically side with Levin when it comes to Trump, no matter what, every time the chance appears, even if when it’s just for something frivolous.

    BTW, the reason I stopped listening to Levin, is for the same reasons Abigail mentioned. I don’t hate Levin, I just kinda drifted away from him. I know he backs up Trump here and there.
    But as a former staunch Cruz fan and a Levin fan
    I’m not going to sit here and deny that Levin had his hate on for Trump. He even called himself a never Trump early on.

    While Levin is on Trump’s side NOW, don’t you think it bothers Levin just a tad that Voight was going on and on about Trump and knowing Levin hated Trump (and backed Cruz)? He could have just told Voight how he agreed with certain things about Trump, be he couldn’t do it. It’s just weird, that’s all.

  19. “…interviewer that once used his massive platform to try and lead the country astray.”

    Yeah, see? That’s what I’m talking about. That’s when I quit listening to Levin. He didn’t even do that to McCain or Romney. Yeah, he wasn’t a fan of McCain, but dude. That was a low point.

    Forgot to add up above.
    Yes, in fact, Levin interjected himself was when he was talking about his (Voight’s) father’s involvement with the Jewish community. Not so, during the Trump segments.

  20. Mark Levin is not a never-Trumper.
    He was pro-Trump to begin with, then soured on him, then got on board for the most part.
    Kind of like millions of Americans, the only way Trump got elected.

    “The elephant in the room…”
    Does the man carry a Scarlet Letter forever more?
    He DARED question the messiah?
    For fucks sake!
    Good God!

  21. LocoBlancoSaltine- I listened to Levin, too. He skipped around talking about the candidates, but he did not support anyone but Cruz. Then he DID, officially. Come on. Be real. And right after that, when he started unofficially never-trumping, that’s when the shit hit the fan and he said he really thought he wasn’t going to vote for Trump. It was childish.

    “He DARED question the messiah?”
    Yeah sure, just like we can’t question yours, I guess. lol

  22. Totally agree, Claudia.

    I posted the Mark Levin vehicle.
    I just posted Ben Sasse’s remarkable speech about the broken separation of powers.

    I posted both with a preface, an acknowledgement, that there are people that might shut out the message because of the messenger, but they perhaps shouldn’t do that in this instance.

    If I had a bias, as it’s been charged, I would have never even watched it when it was recommended on Twitter.

  23. Oh and please, nobody start the “what, you want Levin to disappear???”
    Don’t even go there. We get to bitch about someone, anyone, without people crying that we’re trying wish someone politically dead.
    People in comments get to complain about every one and every thing Conservative and Republican as well as all things libtarded.

  24. MJA,
    Unofficially Never-Trumping?

    The #NeverTrump movement just got another backer.

    Conservative radio host Mark Levin threatened on Friday that he will not support Donald Trump in the general election, should he be the nominee.

    “As a result of what the Trump supporters have attempted here, particularly Roger Stone, I am not voting for Donald Trump. Period,” Levin said.

    “These bully dirty tricks Nixonian tactics, they’re only going to backfire. So count me as never Trump.”

    “Some point you’ve got to stand up to it … I do not like bullies and I never have,” Levin said before adding that if the campaign and its associates anger him again he will try his best to get supporters to abandon him.

    “If they piss me off one more time, I’m going to urge millions and millions of you, should he get the nomination, not to vote for him either,” he said.


    Condescending might not be the right adjective here to describe Levin’s “anti” bullying.

  25. Fur, Ah yeah, I had already quit listening when he started ‘unofficially’ hinting that he would be a nevertrumper. He didn’t come out and say it. I waited around the next two shows and he kept talking that shit. So I bailed.

    Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go mess with some liberals on Facebook.

  26. MJA, my point about the messiah is simply that blind allegiance to any man is pure folly.
    I get people circling the wagons around Trump when he is attacked.
    Hell, I do that.
    One thing I don’t do is blindly ignore his mistakes.

    I also don’t hatefully brand someone who had genuine misgivings about a Trump presidency.
    Who could have seen this coming?
    With Trump we have to take the good with the bad.
    It seems that if you don’t fall in line 100% you become a Trump apostate.
    Sad to see on this site.

  27. If you wanted to hear a bully you should have listened to Levin’s radio show during the closing days of the Primaries. If he had a caller that supported Trump in any fashion Levin would chastise the hell out of them. I’m not a Levin fan, however it was awesome hearing what Voight had to say. He nailed it.

  28. Why post what he said right before the vote took place?>
    Now you want to cherry-pick a point in time.

    Hell, let’s just go right to a few months ago and watch Levin bash… Levin.

    >All these never-Trumpers out there, these former Bush administration officials or pseudo-Conservatives who have been trashing this President left and right .. I don’t mean just disagreeing with him here and there but wishing him failure, trying to sabotage him, joining in with the left SHAME ON THEM, SHAME ON THEM. >

    This was great. It would have been even greater had he never declared to be a Never-Trumper because, let’s face it, he was backing a different candidate.

    This is how this article ends-

    Levin then gave a full-throated endorsement of Sen. Mike Lee to fill Kennedy’s seat. “I’d like to see Mike Lee on the Supreme Court. I think he would be absolutely unbelievable.“

    Kind of weird that he’s giving a full throated endorsement here to a guy who is STILL Never-Trump, a group he just said needs to be publicly shamed.

    I would love that kind of public shaming — rewarded with a SCOTUS nomination.

    This post is about Jon Voight.
    Any little digs at Levin are warranted, even if he supports the president now.

    What should we fear? Pissing him off so that he urges his millions of listeners not to vote for Trump in 2020?

  29. I’ll grudgingly give Brad kudos for that one Fur.

    The answer:
    Of course I would. 🙂

    I don’t know why I keep on believing you need me
    When you’ve proved so many times that it ain’t true
    And I can’t find one good reason for staying
    Maybe by leaving would be the best for you

    But these rose colored glasses
    That I’m looking through
    Show only the beauty
    ‘Cause they hide all the truth…

  30. Too bad this exchange took place while I’m supposed to be working, I could have added my Levin is a two faced, self promoting, blow hard. Granted, he is in Trump’s corner right now, and I’m happy for that, but he did everything he could to derail Trump at a time the Deplorable’s could have used some support. I don’t trust him to do anything except what is in his own self interest.

  31. I believe he is a Patriot as well. And he is a sharp guy on the constitution, I can listen to him when that is his topic. I like the quality and clarity of his voice on the radio. But there were several months though that he had me pissed off as hell, to the point that I swore I’d never listen to him again.

  32. Here’s why I don’t listen to Levin: the same reason I no longer listen to Hugh Hewitt and Micheal Medved. I’m just a dumb, ol’ country girl, but even I had the the good, common sense to take a serious look at a guy I only peripherally knew as a real estate tycoon and a tee vee show personality, when he opened his presidential bid by bringing up at least a half dozen fundamental issues that have plagued our country for decades. Most of them totally verboten on the political stage — because RINOs insisted that the only way to win an election was to capitulate to the Left’s message.

    When Voight said Trump was uniquely qualified for this time and this place, he put his finger exactly, perfectly on the spot. Gingrich understood in ’12 that this is a center-right country, but he couldn’t extricate himself from party politics. He’s not a self-funding billionaire, no. 1; no.2: Gingrich didn’t have the force of personality to pull it off; no.3: Gingrich has books, videos and stuffed animal toys to sell.

    If Levin, Hewitt and Medved never “got” Trump, that’s just the way it is. I don’t have time nor the inclination these days to listen to doubters or “devil’s advocates”. I want to win, win big, and keep on winning! And I’ve never seen a cheerleader yet who stood on the sidelines and lamented last week’s game loss.

    Don’t hate Levin, Hewitt or Medved. Just don’t trust them to put their old anti-Trump biases aside, or understand much else about Trump.


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