Great Interview With Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern – IOTW Report

Great Interview With Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern

The leftist interviewer gets beat around the head and neck. Leftists cannot compete with smart conservatives. The only way they can is to suppress the information or call the messengers racist.

4 Comments on Great Interview With Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern

  1. Two of my favorite people. If Lauren Southerner were my daughter I’d chain he butt to my truck. She takes to many chances. I hope she’s smart enough to tap out of a story.
    Stefan Molyneux fascinates me. I don’t always agree 100%, but he’s a pretty damn sharp guy.

  2. The interviewer is a raging moron. She keeps asking what’s wrong with muslims and Lauren tells her and she still doesn’t get it. The muslims don’t say anything bad about westerners to her, the interviewer says.
    As if they’re going to tell her the truth about what their up to?! They’re trying to get her on their side. Progs are too stupid to breathe air.

    She never saw the camps at Calais, and how they run wild in Paris?

  3. I love anybody who will validate my choice of being basically just a mom (even though I have over 30 years full but mostly part-time paid work experience). Stephan reveals that he spent 9 years as a stay-at-home dad. Western mainstream culture is against the idea of moms or dads doing this sort of thing. Better to leave all the important work to strangers and do something ‘fulfilling’ yeah right.

  4. The IQ debate is the first thing that gets shut down as racist because the facts are indisputable and destroy the whole “white priveledge” myth. 100 years of testing using every bias-free, culture-free metric possible, establishes the same distribution of intelligence for groups: Highest scores to Ashkenazi Jews, then East Asian, followed by Europeans, Hispanics and finally blacks. Distribution is a bell curve so there are extremes for each group at each end. That means there are some extremely smart blacks and some really dumb Ashkenazi Jews.

    However, IQ tests are proven the best predictor of success in life because they are borne out in reality year after year, country after country.

    There has never been a black test of intelligence where blacks come out on top. If there had been, wouldn’t BLM be pushing it?


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