Great Job Progressives – Minorities lagging way behind whites and Asians in English and math – IOTW Report

Great Job Progressives – Minorities lagging way behind whites and Asians in English and math

72 percent of Asian students and 61 percent of white students statewide met or exceeded standards in English, only 32 percent of Latino students and 28 percent of African-American students matched that achievement.

In math, scores were lower and the gaps wider: 69 percent of Asians, 49 percent of whites, 21 percent of Latinos and 16 percent of African-Americans met or exceeded standards.

Mercury News



18 Comments on Great Job Progressives – Minorities lagging way behind whites and Asians in English and math

  1. When you always get “Marque dos por EspaƱol” and institutionalized acceptance of Ebonics, then speaking, writing and reading English will never become the norm.

    Bilingual education and acceptance of Ebonics as cultural norms only assures people will be illiterate in TWO languages.

  2. 6.2 million public school children currently going through the progtard indoctrination process in California. And they are going to have to lower the bar again so they can all graduate.

    So glad I moved out of that state before they got a hold of any of my kids. I have one kid working on a masters and another finishing up a bachelor’s soon to start on the master’s, 1600 miles from that progressively fckd locale.

  3. “It’s unreliable to try to make any comparison,” said Tom Torlakson, state superintendent of public instruction. “It’s apples to watermelons.”

    Watermelons??? Is he talking about the test results or the students? Where are the PC police? I detect some privileged micro aggression all up in here.

  4. I be a dumass. Huk’d on ebonics werks fer me and new math/common core made me a dummy. Give the poor kids a real edjamacation and maybe just maybe they might learn something. Brought to you by the NEA and the democrap party, dumbing kids and particularly minority kids down since the 1960’s.

  5. The 3 R’s are paramount, forget all this other sh** and get children learning times tables by rote, spelling properly, with proper sentence structure first.

    Once this is achieved, get as fancy as you like with teaching them.

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