Great Juxtaposition on Drudge – IOTW Report

Great Juxtaposition on Drudge

All Too Much caught it.

The use of the words “stand up” really contrast the left and right last evening.

Trump: We will stand up for America.

The Left’s Stand Up: Foul-mouthed jokes about the men and women who are fighting to make American lives better.

14 Comments on Great Juxtaposition on Drudge

  1. Never heard of this dumpster fire until this morning, when I read the “mixed” reviews, decided to give a look-see why all the fuss.
    The only thing worse than a raunchy, mean, nasally, whining libtard comedian is an unfunny comedian. She hit all those marks and them some.
    When you elicit a cringe response from the likes of Trapper and Anderson Coopers, it’s time to exit the stage. Unfortunately, her lack of self awareness didn’t permit her to do so.

  2. You don’t even have to hear Wolf’s monologue – all you have to do is look at the audience reaction. They’re as uncomfortable as James Comey with Jared Fogel as
    his prison cellmate*.

    (*- which I would pay a goodly amount of money to see, if it could be arranged)

  3. ICYMI

    Adam Schiff at approx 9:20 AM on ABC This Week
    “Look, I’m always troubled when accusations are annonymous. I don’t think you can rely on that kind of annonymous claim, but I do think, and I’m not in the weeds, the way Senator Tester is”

  4. Who pays for this shindig? I hope no taxpayer dollars are involved. I think the entire Trump administration should bow out of this event, next year and forever.


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