Great News! I Just Made My Last Payment On My Columbia House Record Club Account!! – IOTW Report

Great News! I Just Made My Last Payment On My Columbia House Record Club Account!!

42 Comments on Great News! I Just Made My Last Payment On My Columbia House Record Club Account!!

  1. I remember being so desirous of about four of five titles that they’d show in their advertising, never enough records that I would finally bite and join the club.

  2. I did the dozen records for a penny offer (you actually had to tape a penny to the registration card), then I kept the two mandatory purchase records they also sent me and ignored all the bills they sent me for the next year and a half.
    My mom found out and wrote them a letter saying that I was like 9-years-old and that if they really wanted they could have all their records back.
    We never heard back from them and the collection letters stopped.
    So yeah, 14-records for a penny, and a crossways look from my mom.

  3. @poor lazlo
    I’ll trade you my Jimi Hendrix “Cry of Love” for your Spooky Tooth “You Broke my Heart So I Busted Your Jaw”.

    I’ll throw in my Popeil Pocket Fisherman.

  4. I should get my authentic WW11 Jeep in Cosmoline next week….the sea horses died in transit. My Mom still won’t let me have the spider monkey….and she’s been dead for 33 years….

  5. Still have my Jackie Gleason “Music For Lovers Only” LP’s from the 70’s.
    Through that Capitol deal. And they’re still great. Cancelled after the “free shit”. Still on my conscience. : ))

  6. I remember all those ads selling crap to kids in comic books back in the 60’s. Never bought anything from them because the ads were really hokey selling junk to kids who just wanted to read the latest issue of Superman etc. And I remember some of Frank Zappa’s first records being advertised in some of the Marvel comic books back around 67 or 68. I think we all felt like Ralphie did when he found out the Ovaltine ads were bogus in A Christmas Story, “Crummy commercials.”

  7. And don’t even get me started on The Clapper or Snuggies or anything that Ron Popeil ever sold on TV. Or the flex tape where they saw a boat in half and reattach the sides of the boat with flex tape and take it out on the water. PT Barnum was right in saying that, “There’s a sucker born every minute.” Pet rocks being the number 1 example of something stupid that sold like hotcakes and made its inventor millions.

  8. Can you say “Tony Orlando and Dawn?”

    However the best 8-track goes to “Crimson and Clover.” Man we used to cruise, stop, throw up our Boone’s Farm, and then hit replay, singing all the way.

    Who says my adolescent years were wasted?

  9. You didn’t just ignore those collection letters?!

    Without technology and databases you were able to sign up under umpteen names, same address in the 80s. I also remember when it was a penny that you taped with the submission sheet, no shipping/handling. How they managed to stay open until a few years ago is beyond me.

  10. @geoff
    You see that big beautiful oceanfront home with the yacht on the dock outside? Probably Popeil’s House.

    I just need 330,000,000 people to pony up a dollar a piece. That’s all popeil did. Right? Sold a $9 piece of crap for $10. Plus shipping and handling.

  11. My Time Life book installment from The Old West just came.
    The first one was ‘Gunfighters of the Old West’
    This last one was ‘Horse Liniments of the Old West’

  12. I still remember being stunned that the Penny I’d taped on got me so much music, Mom had to explain later. But notuntil I’d enjoyed Boston – Bee Gee’s _ Fleetwood Mac _ Pablo Cruise _Jackson 5 _ Steely Dan and more.

  13. bought a stiletto style pocket knife for a buck off of one of those comic book ads back in ’68. it was ‘guaranteed’ for 10 years. came w/ a date stamped on the blade … never could keep an edge … but I still have it
    also worked at a gas station about the same time that gave out those yellow Top Value stamps. when patrons didn’t take them w/ their purchases we would pocket them … saved up 4 1/2 books & got a 12″ Bowie knife, complete w/ leather sheath (damn thing is so long it has a leather strap to keep it strapped to your leg, like a western-style gun rig) & a wooden wall plaque … still got it too

    (also still got a set of steak knives that we gave away w/ an 8-gallon fill-up)

  14. One scam used against ME was someone, somehow got my credit card number and then used it to sign up for all kinds of nutty low value shit online like a Disney Video club. I had no kids at home by then, and getting Disney to fuck off and go away was a year long process even after I had very politely sent them a letter explaining that were both on opposite ends of a scam that somehow involved payment from a third party for internet paying referrals.
    They didn’t want their videos back, they wanted a few hundred bucks from ME.
    A very weird ordeal.

  15. I have a very nice set of encyclopedias – except for volumes 3, 11, and 19 thru 24. It was sure difficult to get through college with all that important information missing.


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