Great Opportunity or Sad? – IOTW Report

Great Opportunity or Sad?

9 Comments on Great Opportunity or Sad?

  1. Well, he’s obviously alone (no family or friends – that seem to matter anyway…) and some people just can’t handle being alone, especially when recovering from a life-threatening and debilitating, condition.

    However, with the way things are right now this is downright dangerous – to either participant. Can he, or any respondent, be trusted with all the crap going on right now?

    If he’s honest, I wish him luck finding someone to spend time with.

  2. Cool guy, I follow him on Twitter. Would love to spend a few hours with him, he has so many stories and is an engaging guy. But I don’t live anywhere near there.

  3. I’d take him up on it too just for the inside baseball stories, but I’m too far away. LCD is right, you can’t be too carefully these days, but I think this is legit with juuust a little more verification


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