Great Tip from Refuse/Resist – IOTW Report

Great Tip from Refuse/Resist

Just an idea I thought I would pass on to you.

If you must buy a gift for a lib female, (family, friend, co-worker, etc.), what better way to show your love than some Ivanka Trump clothing or perfume.  – Refuse/Resist


I’m BFH and I endorse this message.

27 Comments on Great Tip from Refuse/Resist

  1. I like that my liberal sister regularly buys me stuff from the other side. One Christmas I got 43’s book, and another I got a case of Rush’s very tasty and refreshing iced tea. My conservative sister went to the used book store and bought an algore book, glued all the pages together and cut out the middle of them to make me a “safe space” for my valuables. Sisters….gotta love them…

  2. I endorse that idea. Just before Nordstrom stuck it up their own ass, mrs6pak bought an Ivanka jacket from Nordstrom, to show support for each. It turns out it really is a hell of a nice jacket that looks great on her. I don’t know what it cost be she is a pretty cautious shopper so it would be reasonable. The negative stories and reporting on the whole Trump family is hard to tolerate. I’m looking forward to a success story for everyone of them.

  3. Joe6pak, $5.99. Normally $11.00 plus. Im gonna say the traffic is down 50 percent at out local Star Bucks stores. There’s three of them. Our other choice locally is a coffee maker that has “No Guns” posted all over their front door. So I’m ordering it on the internet.

  4. I’m starting to feel like we’re in war time, when everything was rationed. I’m just glad food staples are more or less generic and that Nordstrom isn’t in the business of flour, sugar, butter, milk or egg production.

    Great idea for gift giving!

  5. AA, working on my second bag of SS Black Rifle right now. Not bad. I’m a coffee snob because my life depends on it. Unfortunately the best roast ever is Star Bucks Pikes. Actually the original. No way in hell I’ll buy it now.

  6. Brad, I noticed the Starbucks price dropped too.
    I usually shop around and I don’t buy Starbucks anymore but I was curious about the pricing.

    I like the Flavored Gourmet Folgers.
    Caramel or Vanilla.
    The friggin bag size has dropped weight like an anorexic.
    It is now only 10 oz!

    The price at Walmart was the lowest at $4.18 but went up last week to $5.23


  7. Loco, that’s one stubborn CEO. One would think he’d tap out by now. I guess the liberal agenda is more important the corporate profits. I think not for long. I hope they fire his ass soon. For my benifit. Sure am missing that Pikes.

  8. Bad_Brad try ordering coffee from Simpson and Vail
    The places mentioned above are always sold out when I look. S&V blends I like are Anniversary, Kona, Sumatra and the Indian Mysore. The Mysore is strong like Starbutt’s and lower in acid. I usually order small amounts to try and then order larger amounts of what I like best. Fast shipping and excellent customer service. I have no idea what their political views are as they are smart enough to keep them out of their business. They do donate to local charities mainly libraries and food banks. No Leftturd Causes

  9. Eugenia, ahh, lower in acid. Exactly. Surprising how many expensive blends are bitter and acidic. I don’t need my coffee trying to kick my ass. Thanks for the tip. One of the best roasts I’ve ever had was Kona.

  10. Why would you only send this to a Lib/female? Do you mean that you want to send this to someone that you don’t like because of their politcal beliefs and their gender? Is it because the quality of the product is sub par? Is it because you believe this might send some kind of message? I like to send gifts to my friends and family that I really think they would like. Because I care about them. no agenda. Unless, of course, I don’t like them or care about their feelings.

  11. If we are talking coffee–try Buzzbox (you can get a pound free and pay for shipping). 10% of their profits go to Christian ministries. The coffee is shade grown and picked and shipped to you on the same day. The whole organization is a ministry of helping people around the world get into a business. No heartburn with this coffee and all kinds of blends PLUS you can get all kinds of grinds. We get the grind for our Keurig and use our reusable pods (they have pods as well). Give it a try Papua New Guinea is great.

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