“Greed Is Not Good” says the presidential candidate vowing to take unprecedented amounts of other people’s money – IOTW Report

“Greed Is Not Good” says the presidential candidate vowing to take unprecedented amounts of other people’s money


In a policy speech on Tuesday, Sanders will say-

“To those on Wall Street who may be listening today, let me be very clear, greed is not good. Wall Street and corporate greed is destroying the fabric of our nation. And, here is a New Year’s Resolution that we will keep: If you do not end your greed we will end it for you.”



10 Comments on “Greed Is Not Good” says the presidential candidate vowing to take unprecedented amounts of other people’s money

  1. Yes, Greed is not good. But Greed is a member of this list of bad things: Pride, Greed, Envy, Anger, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth.

    The Left seems to find Envy and Anger particularly useful tools.

  2. So, here’s the way it goes…
    Sanders says there’s too much income inequality because of corporate greed. He raises the minimum wage to $15/hr. because “McDonalds” can afford it.
    Meanwhile, family owned Bob’s Burgers goes out of business because Bob can’t afford to pay his workers what Sanders thinks they deserve.
    So, McDonald’s fires their counter staff and installs computer kiosks that spit out a ticket with your order on it. You then hand the ticket to one of the three people working behind the counter who pulls your order from the freezer, (having been made by more machines in a central production facility which supplies all the McDonald’s restaurants in town), tosses it in a microwave for two minutes, and hands it to you.
    Sanders may hate greedy corporations, but the sure LOVE him!

  3. Even if The Bern is cognizant of this basic concept of econ, he’s too dishonest to admit it. He’s a full-out commie, and he WANTS the population dependent on gubmint for everything. The “inequality” is just the ruse the reds use to reel in the saps/lo fos.

  4. sanders should be labeled by the FDA as a sedative with that yellow sticker warning you not to operate heavy machinery or drive while listening to him. Honestly, watching/listening to him on the stump is like being in a remedial stats class. You gotta be a hard core commie to enjoy him. What is it about socialists and suffering?

  5. That’s because the left is the ones that are guided by it. At every turn, they commit sin against God and man. Bernie, the hunchback, is part of their group…if he could only see.

  6. Yo, BS! It ain’t “Greed” to want to keep what you earned.

    It’s “Greed” to covet what others have earned.

    Can you understand the difference?

    Naw … didn’t think so …

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