‘Green’ California Could Face Another Energy Crisis – IOTW Report

‘Green’ California Could Face Another Energy Crisis

Daily Caller: A growing number of Californians ditching utility companies for alternative power sources is pushing the state onto the brink of a second energy crisis, regulators warn.

California prides itself as a national leader when it comes to alternative energy production and distribution. The state implements a broad array of “environmentally friendly” programs for electricity consumers. Net metering, community choice aggregation (CCA), and Direct Access are among the top choices. These programs have proven attractive with a populace wishing to buck the state’s investor-owned utilities. They are expected to account for about 25 percent of California’s entire retail electric load this year and, based on projections, reach 85 percent by the mid-2020s.

However, such rapid changes don’t come without consequences.

Electric utilities, uncertain of how many customers they will have in the future, are becoming more hesitant to sign long-term contracts with power generators. Even natural gas producers — which have proliferated in the U.S. in recent years — are struggling to churn a profit in the volatile California market.  read more

11 Comments on ‘Green’ California Could Face Another Energy Crisis

  1. Whatever the democrat communist party touches it destroys. California is heading back to the stone ages.

    The democrat party commies in the California Politburo otherwise known as the Legislature are passing a bill mandating all new homes in California built after 2020 must have solar panels on the roof thereby jacking up the price of a new home by 20 to 25 thousand and thereby making the cost of buying a home even more expensive and will further impede the ability of power utilities to make a profit.

    Oh yeah, these democrat party idiots are also failing to acknowledge that the sun doesn’t shine all the time in California.

    Anyone who votes for a democrat communist for any office is in the end an active participant in the destruction of our country and aiding the imposition of a totalitarian dictatorship over the United States. Period.

  2. Essentially, Brown and his liberal cronies try to rescind the laws of supply and demand. Virtually all of their economic and social policies are based on the assumption that everything they tax and regulate is inelastic.

    But, oops, it’s not. A common result of socialist economic policy is that prices become prohibitively expensive as consumers conserve or find alternatives, and frequently goods and commodities disappear altogether. This is Economics 101, and liberals would be better off learning basic economics instead of focuing on militant feminist poetry.

  3. Of course they didn’t learn, just like the nonsense with the push to electric and high MPG cars created a dip in the gas tax revenue. Then of course you punish those that are actually trying to be green. This little nugget (not taken out of context) with regards to Oregon’s mile per tax program to compensate for EV.

    “(8/17) The math should work out so a driver with a car that gets 20 miles per gallon would pay the same amount in mileage fees as she does with the gas tax. Drivers with efficient cars would pay more than they do with a gas tax, while gas-guzzlers would pay less.” (rebate for gas tax paid at pumps)

    So in order to save the planet, the Democrats will punish you badly for making the choice to do so. Irony at its finest.

  4. California has been “stealing” cheap hydro power from the Northwest for several decades, while at the same time, environmental activist groups (all based in California) have been demanding we remove all of our dams! In many cases, they have been successful; several dams have already been removed, and the cost for removal passed on to NW rate payers.

  5. A Spaniard who owned a steel mill relocated from renewable energy-crazed Spain to elsewhere in Europe. When asked why, he said, “You can make windmills with steel but you cannot make steel with windmills.”


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