“Green Decoy Group” Killed Bill Allowing Disabled Montana Vets to Hunt with Crossbow – IOTW Report

“Green Decoy Group” Killed Bill Allowing Disabled Montana Vets to Hunt with Crossbow


Republicans win elections when they act like Republicans and conversely, Democrats win elections when they act like Republicans. Montana liberals know that the state is full of outdoorsmen, and they use this fact to manipulate a populace that is otherwise disinterested in their big city, liberal ideas. Using so-called “Green Decoy groups,” anti-hunting leftists masquerade as pro-hunting conservatives, only to undermine our liberties to put food on our table.

You can read more about Montana “Green Decoy groups” here. Almost universally, the organizations raie funds from outdoorsmen, only to put it into lobbying efforts to stop our access to hunting or to promote Democrat candidates for office. Montana voters should be aware of their fraudulent tactics.

Most recently, an anti-hunting Green Decoy group called Montana Bowhunters Association opposed legislation by Sen. Brad Molnar (R-SD28) that would have allowed the disabled to hunt with a crossbow during regular bow season. Molnar, who has limited range of his shoulders, is unable to pull-back or effeciently hold a regular bow and therefore understands well the plight of the differently abled.

You can actually see the “pro-bowhunting” organization oppose letting the disabled bowhunt on their website in a prominently displayed banner (see below). more

14 Comments on “Green Decoy Group” Killed Bill Allowing Disabled Montana Vets to Hunt with Crossbow

  1. Maybe the argument should have centered around establishing a crossbow season in addition to the regular bow and rifle seasons to accommodate everyone equally.

    My experience, admittedly quite limited and anecdotal, has been that most regular bow hunters seem to look down on crossbow hunters and see them as inferior in skills and abilities compared to their own.

  2. These green decoy groups didn’t kill the legislation, it was a republican led committee. republican controlled House and Senate.
    Too lazy to research the effort and too willing to be swayed by outside interests.

    Disabled Veterans are deprived of a sport they can physically participate in. Shame on the committee.

  3. Even the Peoples Republic of Maryland allows anyone to use a crossbow during bow season. They recently eliminated the need for the disabled hunter crossbow permit.
    “The Crossbow Permit for disabled hunters is no longer needed.
    Crossbows may be used to hunt any game species during any open season where a vertical bow may be used (excluding waterfowl and certain furbearers). Crossbows can now be used during the entire deer bow season in all counties. The Crossbow Permit for disabled hunters is no longer needed. The definition of ‘bow’ now includes vertical bows (compound, recurve or straight limb bows) and crossbows.”
    Maryland’s deer population is SO out of control they want people to kill them any way they can.

  4. Allow crossbow hunting for — ONLY for — the disabled and over 70.

    And how would “disabled” be defined? How about “disabled” as in “spastic”… “vision-impaired”… “on anxiety medication”…

    Sorry, no. Either allow something or don’t.

    Enough with the preferential treatment laws. Too feeble to use a regular bow? Find another sport.

  5. Time to put these fake green morons in the sewer with the rest of the shit. And any bill that deprives a disabled vet of a right should not even be considered. They’ve paid enough so dicks like this could befoul the society.

  6. I will say one positive thing about Canuckistan Hunting regs.

    In almost every case, We treat Compound, traditional, & X-bow very equally.
    Main reason is that it gets colder faster up here and much fewer people would hunt with a vertical bow. (much harder)
    2nd reason is that our rifle & shotgun seasons are shorter. (Citidiots lobbied for this)
    No Handgun Hunting anywhere.
    and finally to help older people & handicapped have a fair shot during Bow season.

    Excalibur Crossbow was a Canadian co. that really helped with these rules. Was/is a great family business & product out of Kitchener Ontario (now part of BOWTECH). Very Very reliable, accurate & no wheels so they are super easy to service in the field or string change.

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