From the “But, but, wait! Our algorithms can adjust for that!” department comes this tale of alarmist woe. Greenland’s all-time record temperature wasn’t a record at all, and it never got above freezing there.
First, the wailing from news media:
…I don’t think the data was WRONG, I think it was a deliberate LIE.
…it’s the difference between an honest mistake an a fraud to advance an agenda.
…and “global warming” was never ANYTHING but a fraud…
Could it be Joe Biden was right? People are trying to change the truth using facts.
Thank goodness! I thought ice cube prices were going to hit the roof.
@MJA – LOL! I have some Prog neighbors that would probably stock up on cubes to avoid such a disaster.
Drat, it’s getting more difficult to keep the residence of the Pacific atoll islands convinced their homes will soon be underwater. And it has been so much fun panicking them into becoming true believers. Hey look, the water level is 3mm higher than it was last year.
Greenland was green, once, climate change made it white.
It’s pretty sad when we can’t trust scientists to honestly read a thermometer
The Vikings were raising sheep and growing barley in Greenland a thousand years ago. If that happens again, how could it be bad?
Shouldn’t that place be called ‘Whiteland’?
Oh, wait…