Greenpeace doof protests oil while covered in petroleum products – IOTW Report

Greenpeace doof protests oil while covered in petroleum products


As we showed earlier today, Greenpeace staged a protest this morning in Houston to shut down the oil shipping channels. They claimed they were making a statement about oil & gas that they intend to have mentioned during the Democrat presidential debate being held this evening.

One intrepid and not-at-all mousy protestor from the organization sent out a tweet early this morning from their staging area at the port.

Please DM Latest Outrage‏ @Unkle_Monkee

That hardhat and glasses she’s wearing are petroleum products. Probably the ropes and vest too.

Regs‏ @r3gulations Replying to @greenpeaceusa

Did you guys walk there?

Federalist Musket 🇺🇸‏ @Patriot_Musket1to @greenpeaceusa

Those must be hemp glasses.

kyle Beckley‏ @Kyle_Beckley Replying to @greenpeaceusa

Slowing down traffic and increasing fuel consumption to own the oil industry.

Probably Libertarianism‏ @PLibertarianismReplying to @greenpeaceusa

Literally everything you’re wearing comes from oil Helmet — oil Nylon strap on the helmet — oil Beanie (polyester)– oil Glasses Frame — oil Polyester vest & shirt — oil Oil/hydrocarbons are quite literally in everything on the market5 replies17 retweets286 likesReply 5 Retweet 17 Like 286

20 Comments on Greenpeace doof protests oil while covered in petroleum products

  1. … at least she didn’t have a plastic straw

    everything else in the whole shot was made of petroleum products … but, ‘we’re gonna ban fossil-fuels, because … ‘

    critical thinking is not a ‘progressive’ virtue

  2. Didja notice the enviroweenie protesters who used fossil fuel to get to the protest site, then got stuck in a huge ice cube, that did not get the global warming memo, did not demand to be rescued by a wind or solar powered rescue ship?

  3. “Mr. Prosser:
    Do you know how much damage this bulldozer would sustain if I just let it roll over you?

    How much?

    Mr. Prosser:
    None at all.”

    -Douglas Adams, “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”

    …and, I would argue, the same could be said about supertankers…

  4. I drove by this crew about 15 minutes before they deployed while going to work yesterday and didn’t understand what I saw until I heard later. In hindsight seeing a couple dozen pencil neck white people looking like they were doing bridge repair made no sense.

  5. I’m sending BFH and Claudia a pic of the Greenpeace ASSHOLES in a gasoline-burning motorboat that was blocking the shipping channel. By the way, blocking a shipping channel is a federal felony. Where the he hell was the USCG? They should have boarded them and arrested them all.

  6. I’m fond of pointing out the out-of-staters who come here to protest coal mining have no credibility (are either hypocrites or stupid or both) because they don’t walk here and sleep in the woods.

    Oh no. They fly-in or drive-in, stay in hotels lit and cooled by electric power provided by coal, take hot showers in water heated by electricity provided by coal, and yes they too are dressed in the hipster cool attire made from the use of coal, oil, or even corn (used to make plastics) and no large farms plant and harvest corn manually, diesel powered tractors are the way to go.


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