Greg Abbott “Prepared” for Conflict With Federal Authorities – IOTW Report

Greg Abbott “Prepared” for Conflict With Federal Authorities

Tucker Carlson unpacks the situation unfolding at the southern border with several guests.

16 Comments on Greg Abbott “Prepared” for Conflict With Federal Authorities

  1. Advice to Texas: Get out of the Union NOW while you still control your own destiny. Your new money system should be tied to precious metals and your own “national bank of Texas.” Call your monetary unit the “Texan.”

    “How many Texans do you want for that?”

    “How many you got?”

    “Enough to kick Joe Biden’s Federal ASS!”

  2. Dan Bongino had a interesting take yesterday. Pedo Peter McFuckhead has painted himself into a two option corner, both leading to his political doom.

    Option 1: Draw blood at the border while being filmed by every camera in America by killing American enforcers and abetting illegal criminal activity.frim every nation but America.

    Option 2. Be the usual confused feckless cunt he has always been and do nothing while the red diaper doper babies scream to the heavens and rage quit him.

    I’m going with Option 1 because I think they want a civil war to avoid elections in November, declare martial law, arrest PDJT, and begin nationwide gun confiscation while allowing China to freely retake Tauwan while we fight each other.

    The only problem with their plan is we are the side with the guns and vets and as Gutfield says they are the side that can only throw tampons and pronouns.

    I like our odds so you fuckface hall monitors take notes because we will cleanse your filth from the DC stables….

  3. Seems we have allot of strays wandering about here, not cats or dogs, in upstate NY now and I’m now starting to lock the car every time I get out. I have a feeling their not wanting to hang around in Texas. Any bets it will get worst along with the price in money and lives. I bet the politicians will tax us some MORE yet again to cover the costs.

  4. People need to take a deep breath and let this play out. Already, the J6 style traps are being set for dumbasses who learned nothing from J6. Let the governors take on the feds in their own way. If it comes down to needing the help of the public, it will come from faces you know; not from some dubious website or social media rumor mill.

    Don’t go rushing to the border with all your guns like a LARPing moron, FFS.

  5. Tucker:” In other words, it’s ending. The country you grew up in no longer exists.” If you can find where Tucker said this it is excellent. I’ve tried but it’s been censored.

  6. Cisco

    There’s a third option. The one I would expect him to take. Cut off all Fed moneys to Texas. Isolate Texas and stop all freight at the border along with any and all air traffic. You get the picture.


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