Greg Gutfeld Makes Magnificent Point Linking Vaccinations and Gun Control – IOTW Report

Greg Gutfeld Makes Magnificent Point Linking Vaccinations and Gun Control

He shuts up a leftist in her tracks.

27 Comments on Greg Gutfeld Makes Magnificent Point Linking Vaccinations and Gun Control

  1. Toward the end, Gutfield notes that the ‘Good Samaritan’ shooter had the freedom to make his own choice, while the Uvalde police had to get permission which was denied them. Great point. Also the cops praised this guy for his actions, with the note that it took 11 minutes for the first responders.
    A friend was in ATF, was assigned to Denver station in late 90s. He was called to Columbine High School when the kids started shooting it up. He and his partner were the best-prepared people on site to do something… and he was told by his boss to stand down. A big part of why he left ATF, but an ongoing crisis in that police and other public servants who carry guns to stop bad guys are constrained by local politics. I certainly see that in my former hometown of Santa Monica, as nothing gets prosecuted and cops are focused on homeless people when there are crimes galore.

  2. I know none of the leftist loons will admit this but how much of their pushback to this happy ending has to do with the unsavory fact that the Good Samaritan (I’m using that term because it annoys the hell out of them) is a white male?

    A few other reasons why this whole affair is icky to them; A gun actually saved lives, he took the initiative (acting independently of authority is dangerous), and the cops praised the hell out of him, can’t Kyle Rittenhouse this guy.

  3. Sunny Hostin (remember, she’s been trained when at Justice Department).
    “it is very hard to hit a moving target”
    Maybe for you but your average bird hunter has no issues with it at all. Shooting clay’s is another example of hitting a moving target and hitting 23 out of 25 birds is common.

    I’m sure the ducks, pheasants, quail, geese and other game birds would feel very secure around you Sunny. People needing protection from a bad guy with a gun, not so much. I’ll take my chances with an armed citizen over you any day. But I’m sure criminals are more comfortable with you on their side.

  4. Damn my local indoor range is only 20 yards. I’m thrilled if 1 out of 6 hits anywhere on the paper from that range. Yea, I need more practice, always need more practice. My excuse is it’s a tiny 3.3″ .45 xds and I have large hands.

  5. I would point out that the clip of the morons on The View is one of the best examples of exactly the type of rhetoric I have overheard, straight from the mouths of “progressives,” that brought me to no other conclusion could be drawn than that so called progressives are totally invested in increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death. They absolutely lose their fucking minds when someone interrupts their fellow traveler who is engaged in killing innocent people. They do so every time and they do it without fail.

    Trust me on this, they have absolutely no capacity whatsoever for even a modicum of consideration for innocent human life. If there is one instance of any one of them sincerely preferring innocent victims over the perpetrator it is a case in which they have a personal connection to the victim. In every other case their sympathies are with the individual engaged in increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death.

    The bastards identify with the perpetrators of criminal acts because the worthless sonsabitches live vicariously through them. There can be absolutely no other reason they work tirelessly to flood the streets with individuals who are KNOWN criminals. They want them on our streets for the simple reason that if they are locked up, or prevented from illegally entering the country, they are denied the opportunities they will have to increase innocent human suffering, misery and death. When these people are locked up or killed they identify with them and not their innocent victims to the degree that they are being vicariously locked away or killed. Like it or not, those are the stone cold natural facts surrounding the motivation driving the subhuman pieces of shit and there is no getting along with them.

  6. In May of 1994 a disgruntled, recently discharged Airman at Fairchild AFB about 20 miles of Spokane went on a killing spree and killed 6 people and wounding some others at Fairchild including a very good friend of mine who was miraculously thrown out of the way by another bystander at the last second. My friend suffered life threatening injuries, but he recovered from them. His daughter was my oldest daughter’s best friend. An Air Force security guard shot and killed this bastard with a miracle shot with a 9 mm pistol from about 100 yards away when his training and instincts kicked in drilling this bastard right between the eyes saving more innocent lives and became a hero that day. It was a bad weekend at Fairchild just before the annual airshow with a B-52 crashing straight into the ground when the idiot pilot attempted to do aerobatics with that B-52 and ended up Killing himself and his crew. I could see the smoke from that crash heading West from about 20 miles away or so that day. The airshow was postponed that year after this happened.

  7. Even if you dont hit the shooter, you distract him from his goal of killing completely innocent people. He will be forced to shoot back at you .. or DIE

    While hes preoccupied with you, others in the mall can escape the kill zone. So even if you were firing blanks, youd still be saving lives

  8. I would trust a civilian over a cop any day of the week. I’ve been around too many cops who can’t hit the broad side of a barn.

    Anyone who doesn’t believe all they have to do is read any news story about a cop shooting and how many rounds they fired and how many hit their target.


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