Greg Gutfeld Tells Why We Need Trump – IOTW Report

Greg Gutfeld Tells Why We Need Trump

Our country needs the person, when speaking to foreign leaders, that nobody likes. They don’t like him for a reason.

12 Comments on Greg Gutfeld Tells Why We Need Trump

  1. Gutfeld is exactly right. Mealy mouthed spinless unemployed attornys are killing our country. We need strong biz guys that are strong negotiators. Personally, I’d like to see a two year hiatus from any foreign aid, any money sent too the UN or NATO. Let them figure out who’s really in charge. And that would be the American Tax payer.

  2. I don’t always agree with everything Trump stands for – but I know what he stands for. I don’t necessarily like aspects of Trump’s style – but he doesn’t pull any punches. Trump fought two bullshit impeachment proceedings, and he will ultimately prevail both on the civil matter and the criminal action because both are case book examples of judicial error – and even the MSM implicitly (and sometimes expressly) admits this. And with regard to the other claims Jack Smith is trying to shoe horn in, notice that Hillary Clinton and Biden got free passes for doing the same thing.

    To be clear, I don’t agree with everything any candidate for political office espouses. But with the Democrats, they say one thing and act another way – I have to judge them by their actions and not their words. When I look at Trump, he does what he says he is going to do, and I’ll take that over just about any career politician any day because I believe most career politicians are hypocrites, opportunists and liars.

  3. I worked for a company that had a miserable SOB for a president and CEO. no one liked Ed but the company was profitable, respected and well-run and paid a dividend every year. Ed got old and retired medically. In came Dennis, a smiling, glad-handing, nice guy everybody liked, He was a kindly uncle from central casting. Five years later the company agreed to be acquired by a competitor to avoid bankruptcy.

    There is no logical reason to like an effective leader. Liking him is a luxury, let him lead.

  4. Donald J. Trump is a man among men. I said this in 2016 and I’ll say it again: He’s lightning in a bottle; he’s that rare comet that only passes into view every few centuries; his chivalry is so rare in our time that we don’t recognize it for what it, and he, is.

    Through technology and its emphasis on haste, our society has made a mockery of meaning, and mistaken effort for results.

    Just a few weeks ago Donald John Trump demonstrated his love for our country and his love for my freedoms in a way that Jesus Christ himself declared, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” God first made man free and it is by this that we even know what ‘free’ is. Trump does the will of the Father when he continues to fight to keep us free. There is something in him that understands the gravity of his mission, even if he hasn’t the words to express it. I’m grateful for everything about Trump that, taken together, makes him exactly who he is.

  5. Wyatt, you Insensitive Progressive Jerk.

    That’s a great comment I would like to expand on. Any successful thinking person will never agree 100% with any candidate. We vote for the candidate that we think will address MOST of our concerns. A candidate that will correct the course of our country. So the flip side of that coin are the absolute morons that will exclude a candidate that meets all their expectations save their little special interests bull shit. Like bump stocks, or Gay Rights. Libtards don’t do this. Libtards view this process as a football team slowly advancing the ball down field. And they are kicking are asses.

  6. I spent 20 years as a rep for a manufacturer of industrial tools. Based in New Jersey and the owner was born in Germany. The guy was a clone of Trump. Spoke like him, cocky as hell like him, and successful like him. Maybe not in the billions of dollars, but several hundreds of millions. One thing for sure, he pissed us all off, and for significant reasons. One the flip side, he was absolutely generous, almost to a fault. He was a great guy to learn from. Trump is also a GREAT guy to learn from! You could not pay me to vote for someone other than Trump!

  7. ^^^^Point made more eloquently than I did. The bottom line is that I like what Trump stands for, I generally like what he does, and he is effective. When Trump first rode down his escalator in 2016, I honestly thought it was a joke. As the primary season wore on, I liked what he had to say more and more. During his presidency, we had peace and prosperity, and I don’t believe anyone who doesn’t like that.

    I became a member of the Trump camp during a primary debate when the moderator asked the candidates if they would support the nominee. Trump did not agree, and when asked why he wouldn’t take that pledge, he said it depended on who it was. This was a fairly minor thing, but that was the only honest answer on a stage full of presidential hopefuls.

    I’ve read a fair amount about Donald Trump. He does a lot of things for people that don’t receive press attention, and that he doesn’t mention. Trump also has a habit of claiming (usually with good reason) that everything he does is the best. Consistent with this, Trump also claims, with good reason, that the United States is the best nation on earth – if Trump is going to be the CEO of the United States, then ipso facto the United States is the best.

    I believe that Donald Trump is the President this country needs at this time.

  8. Wyatt

    You know I actually hated the egotistical son of a bitch until the first debate when Megan Kelly asked, How many of you consider yourselves globalists. And only one hand did not go up. I think I might have actually leaped off my chair.
    As an American Manufacturer he’s my guy. I’ve been on the Trump train ever since. That does not mean I agree with everything he says. But 87% is close enough.


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