Greg Gutfeld’s Idiotic Squishy Moronicness – IOTW Report

Greg Gutfeld’s Idiotic Squishy Moronicness

Greg Smugfeld wants to jump the shark, but he banged his head. He made a statement that is about as naive as anything anyone has ever uttered, including Neville Chamberlain.

Speaking about the lack of civility in the American political landscape, Gutfeld quotes a “smart man,” Norm MacDonald, and proffers a premise about as stupid as anything I ever heard in the arena of political ideas.

Norm is funny, but he’s no sage, and for Gutfeld to earnestly quote him is, frankly, an embarrassment.

Really? World War II was a battle of good vs. good? Our fight with ISIS is a battle of good vs. good?

But hang on, it gets worse. Gutfeld says our political opponents, the left, want the same things that we do – “good healthy lives for us and everyone.”

Then Gutfeld launches into the cliched old tripe that “during hurricane Harvey we saw deplorables and non-deplorables, alike, saving lives.”

So the hurricane caused the left to not want to abort babies any longer? You see, with just one question Gutfeld’s premise, “that we all want the same thing,” is blown out of the flood waters. He would have to believe abortion was good to believe his own bull$hit. He would have to believe that state control over the economy and the means of production is not only a good thing, but the same thing that we want.

What a head of knuckle.

And it gets worse AGAIN!

He says that because conservatives have the power we should be the ones to “compromise.”

Compromise on WHAT???

ht/ radio matt



30 Comments on Greg Gutfeld’s Idiotic Squishy Moronicness

  1. Not only is he short, he is also short sighted. The only time our enemies wanted to compromise was after we kicked the livin crap out of them. It will be the same with the leftest twits here at home so start kickin.

  2. Gutfeld can be amusing at times, but there is something about him I do not like: he exudes superiority. He acts like he is “above everyman”. Is that is his shtick? Because I kind of feel that this is the way he is in real life? I wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw him. But I probably could throw him farther than Dana Perino who that midget constantantly jokes about her small stature (which is getting old).

    Gavin McGuiness wass pissed when Gutfeld selected Tyree for his show over him. I have to agree with McGuiness. McGuiness quit FOX after that.

    I think Gutfeld may have a “size” issue.

  3. I was just reminded in an email from MJA that during the floods in Texas the left was not civil to the right. They accused Joel Osteen of not opening up his house, and they accused Trump of not housing people in Mar-a-lago during the hurricane.
    There was no burying of this hatchet, they politicized it like they politicize everything.
    Gutfeld’s premise is bullshit.

  4. usually enjoy Gutfeld’s sanctimonious sarcasm, but when I heard this crap, all I could think of was that he’s been hanging around Whine Williams too long & wanted to be his boy pal … ffs, I wanted to do the cartoon iron-skillet-to-the-face on the little douche

  5. @Ghost, Fine. You turned off your tv.
    So since you’ve unplugged, let me inform you that Greg Gutfeld is NOT riding Breitbart. He is his own brand now. You wouldn’t know that because you unplugged from society and turned off your tv.

    “Unplugged” is not necessarily good. It’s kind of like when BFH get’s pissed at the responses to his posts like, “who’s that. I don’t care”. There are millions who watch this. They care, so we care. In the game of changing minds, it’s probably better to be “plugged in”. Get it?

  6. Enough is enough. We have compromised too many times already. Every single time we give in, the next ‘request’ is larger and more disgustingly anti-American.

    Even Jesus knew when to use his righteous anger and whoop the snot out of the money changers in the temple.

  7. Why is it that conservatives are always the ones who are supposed to compromise? That is the same thing RINO’s do all of the time. Why should we?

    Oh, I’m sorry. I called some people “RINO.” How uncompromising of me.

  8. Seems we’ve already tried compromise with libtards, but all they want is endless “compromise” that favors their position – that’s what got us where we are.
    Enough of that nonsense.

  9. Trump is dragging the left kicking and screaming our way finally and the left needs to do the compromising now. GOP has had their heads down and staring at their own shoes and caving in for decades. Art of the deal.
    Viva Trump!

  10. @ghost of col j glover, just look up Brietbart’s most famous quote. Then you may get it. Do some homework, know who your enemies are. Know who your friends are. Sometimes your friends ARE your enemies.

  11. I stopped watching The Five ages ago.
    It sounds like the powers that be at Fox and Gutfeld’s good friend Dana got to him and told him to stop being anti-establishment.
    I agree with BFH. Let the left become more unhinged.
    Us voters disobeyed the establishment elites and didn’t put Jebby or Hillary in office. Now that Trump is bringing America back to the strong, proud country it once was the left has to reveal themselves as the tyrannical communists they really are.
    Probably sooner than they planned. They probably wanted to get rid of the second amendment first.

  12. compromise my ass !

    i want victory over the left, not compromise.

    you compromise when you are weak and cannot defeat the enemy or opponent.

    i want total revocation of all their policies.

    i don’t it to be safe for the left to spout its inane views anywhere at any time.

    i want them frog marched out of every restaurant and venue they attend, never to feel safe to infect our body politic again.

    i want to win not compromise.

  13. Conservatives have been compromising for decades…..

    While Liberal/Leftists have been incrementally winning for those same decades….

    Before long there won’t be anything to compromise on.



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