Greg Kelly Questions Narrative of Paul Pelosi Beating by Berkeley Man – IOTW Report

Greg Kelly Questions Narrative of Paul Pelosi Beating by Berkeley Man

Gateway Pundit article here.

Former NYPD Commissioner Bernie Kerik joins Greg to discuss the attack on Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul.

32 Comments on Greg Kelly Questions Narrative of Paul Pelosi Beating by Berkeley Man

  1. read the story…then remember pelosi lives in a walled off residence…story sounds like BS…a more accurate story may be pelosi was missing the old *itch and decided he wanted to entertain (perp in underwear??) a “friend” and things went south…beating each other off, (haha!!!) with hammers, sounds painful…just more distractions and lousy journalism…

  2. Police never said there was a break-in? Really Greg? Are you taking stupid pills? They said the perp would be charged with BURGLARY twice.

    Burglary / noun: To burglarize is “to break into and enter of a building with the intent to commit a crime…”


  3. A couple of other observations I had; The chief mentioned burglary as a charge, in California burglary involves entering a dwelling with the intent to commit either a property crime or another felony once inside. This seems to eliminate the scenario where he was initially invited in, but maybe if there is a sex act involved, an illegal sex act, this would satisfy the “another felony” element of the crime.

    The chief also mentioned “numerous other felonies”, well, what are they? He had no compunction about rattling off all the other charges, are felony sex charges in the offing?

    Lastly, is it wrong of me to look at every woman or black police chief (99.9% of every chief in the nation) and immediately jump to,”affirmative action hire”? They brought this on themselves especially when they put up someone not well-spoken, articulate, and lacking any command of the English language.

  4. At least someone is questioning that fake story.
    10 ft walls, guarded gates, surveillance. No way anyone broke in wearing anything, especially just underwear.
    Brings back memories of Harry Reed’s fake treadmill accident.

  5. …Im’ pretty sure random assholes can’t just skate past the walls, gates, guards, guns, and cameras of the Pelosi Palace.

    One does not simply walk into Mordor, after all.

    I call bullshit on this whole thing, as we all have from the beginning.

  6. Cut the fucking bullshit already. The Goddamned pervert got into it with his rent boy. The Pretorian Guard fucked the dog on the illusion when they screwed up and charged the guy with elder abuse. They let the cat out of the bag right there. Elder abuse demands an ongoing relationship exists. It just does.

  7. “Two fags in their underwear armed with hammers? A new level of depravity even for dems. Stay tuned… but to be honest I really don’t care to know any more.”

    they were going to crack each others nuts

  8. …you always know Nan is coming by her theme song…

    “In a place just south of Witches’ Valley
    Where they say the rain won’t fall
    Thunder cracks the sky, it makes you bleed, yeah
    There’s a lady they say who needs the darkness
    She can’t face the light
    With an awful shout, she’ll find you out
    And have you for the night”
    -Ronnie James Dio, “Lady Evil”

  9. It was a liberal “hippie” Democrat from San Fran Cisco for Cripe sake. That stupid old turd Biden is still trying to tie this to MAGA. Phuck him and the entire Biden crime family.

  10. @Testing Testing: Hey dumbass, the burglary charge was added afterwards; when the feds got involved to craft the narrative. The call came in to dispatch, as a “welfare check”, which means a third party (probably a neighbor) called the cops…not Paul Pelosi. But you believe what you want.

  11. Police STILL were investigating the reason yet apparently KNEW enough to come up with all those charges??
    Yeah right!
    Dude just reading what Nancy ORDERED Police to say.
    Total BS!

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