Joe Biden Shows His Hairy Leg at Dinner – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Shows His Hairy Leg at Dinner

What a Night! Joe Biden Shows Hairy Leg at Democrat Dinner, Starts Pumping His Fist when Someone in Crowd Chants ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ (VIDEO)

🤣 Help me out, here. The “P” on his sock means …

15 Comments on Joe Biden Shows His Hairy Leg at Dinner

  1. There’s an old American President lying, dying
    He gets himself under one elbow and and he turns to his cabinet mates who are all gathered around and he says:

    Tie that Bastard Trump down, sport
    Tie that Bastard Trump down
    Tie that Bastard Trump down, sport
    Tie that Bastard Trump down

    Keep your hair for me, little girls
    Keep your hair for me
    Ah, don’t go letting the others sniff it, girls
    Just keep your hair for me

    Altogether now!

    Tie that Bastard Trump down, sport
    Tie that Bastard Trump down
    Tie that Bastard Trump down, sport
    Tie that Bastard Trump down

    ‘N’ take me son Hunter back, Jack
    Take me son Hunter back
    He lives somewhere out in Malibu, Mac
    So take me son Hunter back

    Tie that Bastard Trump down, sport
    Tie that Bastard Trump down
    Tie that Bastard Trump down, sport
    Tie that Bastard Trump down

    Let me negros go loose, Lou
    Let me negros go loose
    They’re of no further use, Lou
    So let me negros go loose

    Altogether now

    Tie that Bastard Trump down, sport
    Tie that Bastard Trump down
    Tie that Bastard Trump down, sport
    Tie that Bastard Trump down

  2. @Woody

    Yep, I’m an old coot… just pulled in to Old Cootville yesterday.

    Sacroliliac is bothering me again. An old Englishman here keeps wanting to tell me about his exploits in the Boer War with the Kings Own Hussars Grenadier 17th Royal Lancers Brigade. He’s annoying.


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