Gregg Jarrett: The Pelosi-Schiff ‘witch hunt’ to impeach Trump is an abuse of power – IOTW Report

Gregg Jarrett: The Pelosi-Schiff ‘witch hunt’ to impeach Trump is an abuse of power


If Democrats were serious in their impulsive impeachment inquiry, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi would dump Adam Schiff as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

Pelosi won’t do it, of course. She and Schiff are now dedicated collaborators who are joined at the political hip. Their goal is to destroy Trump’s presidency, remove him from office, and thereby undo the 2016 election result that they have never managed to get over.

Schiff is the antithesis of the able, fair-minded and even-tempered House chairmen who presided over the last two presidential impeachment proceedings in 1974 and 1998. He wears his partisan spite on his sleeve and tends to bungle attempts to hide his deviousness.

Schiff’s malice goes much deeper than the inane statement he fabricated at the opening of his recent hearing that embarrassed both himself and his committee. His deceptions know no bounds. He insisted that “we have not spoken directly with the whistleblower.” The Washington Post fact-checker called this “flat-out false.” His deceit did not stop there.

Schiff became the notorious huckster of Russian “collusion” hysteria that, in the end, proved to be a one of the dirtiest tricks in modern politics. Now, Pelosi has handed him the gavel to pursue another incarnation.

Schiff stated that if not for the Intelligence Community Inspector General, his committee might never have learned of the so-called “whistleblower.” This was also untrue since it was Schiff and/or his staff that directed the “whistleblower” to the IG. His mendacity earned him the shame of “Four Pinocchios” from the Post. As former Rep. Trey Gowdy quipped, Schiff only got four “because you can’t get five.” read more

9 Comments on Gregg Jarrett: The Pelosi-Schiff ‘witch hunt’ to impeach Trump is an abuse of power

  1. Have Nancy’s BFF (who ever that may be) tell her that’s she’s facing treason charges and public execution….and be serious and with complete followup….

  2. Let’s be honest here…Adam Shiff committed treason at least 3 times. He should be executed as a warning to others…Worst case scenario is that the world will be a better place…

  3. @Uncle Al October 7, 2019 at 9:24 pm

    > Y’know that ring of flagstaffs around the base of the Washington Monument? Add crossbars and they’d make dandy gibbets.

    They’d make utilitarian gibbets. If you want “dandy” think “carnival ring toss”. But what could be a better prize than centering on the spike? Gimme a minute… I’mma thinkin’.

  4. If people in DC didn’t have so much power they’d abuse it less, and if DC didn’t have so much power it wouldn’t attract so many of the kind of people who abuse it.

  5. @The Deplorable TWP October 8, 2019 at 9:53 am

    > If people in DC didn’t have so much power they’d abuse it less

    But that would require citizens to tell complete strangers (truthfully), when chimping (of any self-identified race) out, at other complete strangers, “Mind you’re own business, or I’ll shoot you in the face”.

    And where’s the money in that?

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