Grenell Has Declassified List Of Obama Officials Who Unmasked Michael Flynn – IOTW Report

Grenell Has Declassified List Of Obama Officials Who Unmasked Michael Flynn

Daily Caller: Richard Grenell, the acting director of national intelligence, has declassified documents related to Obama administration officials’ unmasking of Michael Flynn in transcripts of phone calls he had with Russia’s ambassador, a senior intelligence official told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Grenell visited the Justice Department last week to meet with officials there to discuss releasing the documents, which include names of Obama-era officials involved in unmasking Flynn’s name in the phone call transcripts.

ABC News first reported that Grenell visited the Justice Department to discuss the unmasking issue. The senior intelligence official told the DCNF that the documents could be released “soon.” read more

11 Comments on Grenell Has Declassified List Of Obama Officials Who Unmasked Michael Flynn

  1. And then release the name of the dick-blower … uhh … *whistle*-blower on the Ukraine call.

    Come to think of it, dredge up all that shit and release it – Obola/Biden talks on China, Ukraine, and the shady flu investments – the “Carbon Tax” schemes with Axelrod and Gore – Jarrett’s slumlord enhancements – FBI files on HRC’s various treasons – what happened to the WMDs in Libya – how did our chemical weapons get to Assad – Uranium One – how much U-235 Iran has actually produced – the location of Joey’s brain – how deeply were Brennan and Clapper involved in Treason – is Mueller a traitor or a fool – so many questions – and NO FUKKIN ANSWERS!

    Inquiring minds want to know!

    Hop to it, Rick!

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Watching the MSDM ignoring all this mounting evidence that there was an attempted coup against a duly elected President managed by the thoroughly corrupted Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and several of the Intelligence Agencies, I wonder when they will stop trying control the news. They are the real handmaidens of the Deep State.

  3. The guilty parties need to be named and charges brought against them. There has to be a main group of conspirators as well as all of those in the media that has endorsed and promoted these lies. The media members should be made to walk the proverbial plank. Liars, cheats, and thieves.

  4. LTG Flynn wasn’t “unmasked”. He was directly spied on. Based on false predicate and for years. The “unmaskings” being referred to were of lots of other people, including among many others, people working in the Trump campaign and WH.

  5. Ric Grenell is an American Hero as is Adm. Mike Rogers and Gen. Mike Flynn, Jordan, etc…and yes Andrew Breitbart.

    @Tim – either Vindman or Yanovitch??

    @Grool – please, please, please.

    I just love this clip from Animal House at….the Chaotic End:

    I am putting together a ‘dossier’, a portfolio of my own, to reflect The Conspiracy and the Traitors and it ends with the list of Patriots who save the day, I’ll give to @BFH when I get it done…it’s real purpose is for the education of my crew and god willing grandchildren.

    Gen Glover



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