Greta Thunberg Realizes She Accomplished Nothing – IOTW Report

Greta Thunberg Realizes She Accomplished Nothing

Greta Thunberg would have graduated by now if she stayed in school.

Swedish teen environmental activist Greta Thunberg announced on Saturday that it’s been four years since she began striking from school to protest the “climate crisis.” Thunberg, now 19, would’ve graduated from school by now if she had stayed in it.

Thunberg originally made headlines in August 2018, when she, at age 15, began protesting outside of the Swedish Parliament on Fridays when she was supposed to be in class. She called for the government to take stronger actions to fight climate change by holding up a sign reading “Skolstrejk för klimatet” or School strike for climate.

Thunberg began rallying similar protests in other communities, organizing a school climate strike movement called Fridays for Future. After Thunberg addressed the United Nations Climate Change Conference that same year, school strikes began taking place all over the world. In 2019, there were multiple coordinated multi-city protests involving over a million students each.

The young activist, who has Asperger’s syndrome, has been frequently criticized for skipping school for protests. As she gained more and more popularity, she started traveling to speak in other countries in a yacht, while her peers attended classes and have now graduated. more here

51 Comments on Greta Thunberg Realizes She Accomplished Nothing

  1. Someone should stuff that evil bitch up Liz Cheney’s twat like a Russian nesting doll.

    The first time she opened her mouth about climate bullshit she should have been slapped hard across her ignorant face.

    Gloves have to come off when dealing with these fools.
    They’ve become too fucking dangerous!

  2. The first time I was introduced to her thru the media she was a child scolding me. My brain went straight to Voilet from Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory.
    Now kindly roll her away to the juicing room.

  3. Her parent’s are the ones who should be in jail for child abuse. They knew that she has obvious mental issues, yet they terrorized her into believing their bullshit about climate change. The lefties then joined on raising her up to her lofty perch to scold & lecture people on something she knows NOTHING about.In my days, if a child skipped school all the time, the district sent their truant officer to track the little shit’s down, march them to the principal’s office & make them explain where in the hell they have been & what they had been doing. The parent’s were notified & if they truly didn’t know little Johnny had been skipping school to fuck off, most of the time it was 2 weeks(in school)suspension. In serious cases, expelled. If the kid was a senior, they did not graduate, they got to repeat senior year. I doubt Greta will have to do anything like that, she gets to live off the fortune she has made over a lie, even if she is dumber for it.

  4. The only good thing about her is now she is old enough that I can be vicious in commenting on her and I don’t have to hear, “Don’t be mean! She is only a child!”

  5. The article stated she has asperger’s syndrome. I just looked it up. If the article is correct (who knows), her parents ducked out on her and let her mental disorder run amok on the world. I doubt they regret it at all, and no doubt applaud their weasely method of not having to deal with her.

  6. Excuse me but Elon Musk has aspurger syndrome too. God bless her heart, she tries what she feels is best. SHAME on those who talk bad about a young girl who says her thoughts.

  7. She’s been a load of laughs. I’ve seen the “how dare you!” stickers lurking all over. On gas pumps and inside aircraft refueling doors, my favorites. Like all the other commies, she’s just a simpleton.

  8. By staying in school she may or may not have learned that climate change is a natural occurance and has been doing so for millions of years. Had she stayed and matured, she may or may not have been hep to the fact that she’s being exploited and abused. Typical that the devil will always use the simpletons in society to debase what God himself has created for humans to survive.

  9. Oh Greta, your useful idiot status is dawning on you now that you are “maturing”…

    Goodness girl, it’s like a global satanic cabal is in charge of everything and what you personally believe means Jack shit.

    I predict Greta will be a conservative by 40.

    If the cabal let’s hee live that long.

  10. Accomplished nothing? One could quite easily argue that she assisted in the indoctrination of millions of children in school. Many fervently believe that humans are killing the planet (yeah, it’s bs because they’re really worried about their own asses, not the planet) and that we can actually change the climate through taxation.

    The globalists are killing us off through vaccinations. It appears they intend to starve many of us to death. EV’s are a joke. The globalists want us to eat bugs. Farmers can’t grow or harvest their crops. Farmers are faced with having to kill of their cattle because they can’t feed them. Population reduction, a longtime dream of the communists, is actually happening.

    Greta had plenty to do with all of the above and much more I haven’t cited. She’s not poorly educated, she’s educated exactly as the globalists desire her to be. She’s a tool for their agenda.

    Accomplished nothing. How sadly mistaken she is. How dangerously mistaken we are.

  11. “Asperger’s Syndrome: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment
    Asperger’s Syndrome, a form of Autism Spectrum Disorder, is a developmental disorder.

    Young people with Asperger’s Syndrome have a difficult time relating to others socially and their behavior and thinking patterns can be rigid and repetitive. They also may have trouble understanding body language.”

    “Rigid and repetitive” thinking patterns?
    That’s the problem with every socialist/nihilist/communist/Nazi/demonrat/Globaloney-ist/Enviro-Nazi/wanna-be tyrant throughout History.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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