Greta Thunberg without a script to read from – IOTW Report

Greta Thunberg without a script to read from

It becomes obvious she is just a shell that gets programming from her handlers when she has to speak off the cuff.

36 Comments on Greta Thunberg without a script to read from

  1. Thunberg’s just a naive child who is being purposely manipulated and used by adult Leftists as a front to gain sympathy for their agenda.

    Children are vulnerable to manipulation by adults who want to use them for their own purposes. That’s why some laws protecting children don’t also protect adults.

  2. She was SOOOOOO coached by her entertainer parents on each and every word of her stupid statement. Anyone who believes her emotion was real and from the heart is naive, stupid, or both.

  3. AbigailAdams SEPTEMBER 26, 2019 AT 1:43 PM

    “The Left does nothing “for” the children, it’s about using the children. Always.”

    Truer words were never spoken. Democrats find children EVER so useful…as campaign shills, as literal poster children, as political pawns, as political traps, as human shields, as sex slaves, and the itty-bitty ones are used for high-dollar parts…

    …yes, the USES the Democrats get out of children are ENDLESS.

    …As endless as the torments of Hell that they’ve so RICHLY earned are going to be.

    …And if they keep pushing, they may start to enjoy them SOONER rather than LATER…

    “But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”
    Matthew 18:6

    …no WONDER they hate the Lord, he just takes ALL the fun out of what they wanna do, tells them that it won’t end well for them when they DO it, and they can’t bribe Him or threaten Him…and they’re ALL getting closer every DAY to meeting Him even WITHOUT an, eh, “inciting event”, so weeping and gnashing of teeth, not that far away…

  4. Courtesy of Deana Chadwell on American Thinker today:
    “I’m as uncomfortable watching her as I am seeing a parent mistreat a child in public. Humiliation is coming at her like a locomotive and no one is yanking her off the tracks.”

    That about sums it up, don’t you think? Poor kid.

  5. “This girl should make everyone wonder just what kind of kids we’re leaving to our planet.” – Whitey White

    She *also* begs the prayer: COME, SWEET METEOR OF DEATH!

  6. Instead of being treated for autism (asbergers) she’s been weaponized by her truly evil parents into something to use against Trump. Any chance (slim though it may have been) of her leading a semi-normal life is now gone and when the attention being piled on her ceases (and it will, liberals rarely keep their toys) this child can expect to completely collapse and spend the rest of her life in an institution. Regardless of what she says (it’s all scripted by her parents and her handlers anyway) she needs our pity not our hatred. Her parents need to be called out as the cruel torturers of children that they are.

  7. Another David Hogg(wart)! Greta would be nothing if the Jewish owned media would not keep pushing them front and center. Why? Why do Jews have so much controlling power (((wealth))) to run the global/national narrative? Satan’s agents in Satan’s world! The one that bestows power and wealth to those who worship him. He even tried to bribe Jesus Christ the Son of God! Failed and was beaten by the Cross and Resurrection of Jesus.

  8. She sure was quick to pass the buck to her comrades sitting with her. Autistic or retarded as some have said? I say both. She might be a useful innocent prop, but her horrible parents are at the root of it. Crazy ass family IMHO.


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