Gretchen Carlson Wants To Know If You’re In Favor of Banning the AR-15 – IOTW Report

Gretchen Carlson Wants To Know If You’re In Favor of Banning the AR-15

39 Comments on Gretchen Carlson Wants To Know If You’re In Favor of Banning the AR-15

  1. Listen people, when the so-called terrorists stop using guns and move up to dirty bombs (or larger), what the Hell will the Left push to ban then?

    Sidewalk shadows?

  2. I’ve never had an ‘AR’ type gun. Never even wanted one.
    But I have at least 25 rifles or shotguns.
    I have 25 or so pistols mostly revolvers. I enjoy
    Shooting large caliber hand guns. .500 S&W etc.
    if the left succeeds in banning AR type guns. Then they will
    go after other guns. It’s a slippery slope.
    They want us totally disarmed.

  3. Well, if you want mine you will have to take it away from me. I will have it slung around me and I will be laying on a warm sea of brass casings and empty mags. Oh yea, remember to use caution when you finally take it, it will be really really hot so wear gloves.

  4. I wonder how many people would actually ‘shoot it out’
    if ‘they’ came for your guns.
    Not sure who ‘they’ would be.
    I’m old and not well and I know I wouldn’t.
    When I was much younger I used to say I would. But not now.

  5. Old Man–I too am old and not well–but I’ll be damned if I’ll “go gentle into that good night”. And that determination seems to strengthen with the passage of time.

  6. Old man, That’s a great question. Until about six months ago I heard such chest thumping and thought yea right, good luck with that. But now I’m California shits turning bad. So a lot of local Sherrifs are pounding the stump saying “We will not enforce any unconstitutional gun laws.” And the crowd goes wild. So I e mail a question to the Sherrif “Hey, I got a question. When the Feds or the state start showing up in our county, and I decided I’m sleeping on the opposite hill side of my house with my fav 1200 yard gun. After I shoot a couple in the back of the head that are trying to break into my house, who’s rescue are you coming to?” NO ANSWER. But yes I know people that are ready to go to war here in California.

  7. @Brad
    I’m at the point where I’d rather see my grand children than get blown away.
    I understand your view but that game does not appeal to me anymore.
    You being dead won’t change the outcome. But you being alive may make a difference in the long run. You might be the person who talks to enough people to change there minds. And get the law repealed if it comes to that.
    You have a great way of explaining why you need guns in your life.
    Hunting, protection, fun on the range ect.
    Maybe run for office.
    Anything is better than being dead.

  8. Brad-Were I the sherrif, I wouldn’t answer either. If he’s coming to help you, it wouldn’t be judicious to say so.
    My last post got my mind wandering a bit. I’ll probably go out when a round hits my portable oxygen tank…..remember the end of “Jaws”?

  9. By the way I don’t think anyone will come for your guns.
    The MSM in your area will get a list of all gun owners who have refused to
    turn in their guns. They will start a propaganda campaign against you and everyone you know.
    Your photo on the front page of the local newspaper telling people to stay clear of this right wing nut job. Don’t do business with them or their family members. Do not allow them to buy food from your stores. Do not go near them in public.
    Then they will ramp it up utilities turned off. There will be propaganda shows on tv telling us about the crazy republicans who are disobeying the court order.
    Soon you will see your screwed and not a shot fired.
    No job no food no water. Your friends and families hounded. Your photo all over town.
    No militia needs to come.

  10. Thanks Brad. I’m good to 1000 yards, better from 800 and in (and I’ll use the 50 foot hose so the O2 tank can live behind some rocks). Living in the People’s Republic of Maryland, I’m going to be in pretty deep stuff if the SHTF. I’d leave but have to care for a 94 yo mother. WV or TX eventually.

  11. I will agree to a ban on me enjoying my 2nd amendment rights if she agrees to a ban on her 1st amendment rights. That is I won’t buy a AR-15 ever and she cannot speak in public again ever. Fair enough?

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