‘Grey’s Anatomy’ star Isaiah Washington #WalksAway – IOTW Report

‘Grey’s Anatomy’ star Isaiah Washington #WalksAway


“Walking away is a sacrifice,” Washington said. “There’s a risk and there’s a penalty for it but you have to walk away when it matters…and the reason I chose to walk away from the Democratic party…is that something doesn’t’ feel right.”

“You got a lot of conservative or centric libertarian-minded people that really care about other people but they are terrified to come out of the closet and say anything that’s not in line with the Democratic party,” Washington explained, urging those in the Hollywood community to speak up.

Washington, who once played Dr. Preston Burke in the hit TV series, said he was never asked about his politics during his two-year career on the show, and that his political activism developed recently after he attended a celebration at the White House commemorating Trump’s support of the First Step Act.


11 Comments on ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ star Isaiah Washington #WalksAway

  1. We live in a world that asks you first to be a demorat and then a person…
    a country where you are judged on a color of the skin and politics to develop a social score of approval from leftist loons.

    Kiss my grits and MAGA!!!!

  2. It’s only a matter of time before an unknown acting juggernaut emerges out of the conservative ash heap and boldy states, “Fuck you Will and Grace. I never dreamed of working with one note actors anyway!” And then the acting revolution begins…🎭

  3. It says it all about what bullies the leftists are that it’s an act of courage to voice an unpopular opinion.
    The lynch mob tactics are standard operating procedure with these dimwits.

  4. During a 2005 interview with Mike Wallace for television’s 60 Minutes news magazine program, Academy Award-winning actor Morgan Freeman did say he found the concept of Black History Month to be “ridiculous” and maintained the way to get rid of racism was to “stop talking about it.”
    Same should be answered by actors about Gender and Politics.
    None mentally ill people, give a shit.

  5. Demonrats aren’t democratic.
    Both parties are infused with social-totalitarianism: just differing in the matter of how quickly to impose their doctrine by force (the abandonment of the 2nd Amendment will greatly facilitate that debate).

    Mr. Washington is a courageous man.
    Many who fight for Liberty risk all and gain nothing.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. If you’ve ever had a chance to observe urban blacks in their native environment, they live in a herd culture (old straphanger here).

    Every season had its own must-have – Kangol caps, Triple Fat Goose, Tommy Hilfiger, Tampa Devil Rays baseball shirt, etc.

    That Washington does this means a lot more urban blacks will imitate.

    And, no, I’m not kidding.

  7. The stench of death surrounds the Democrats.
    Their Planned Parenthood black abortion god and
    purposefully blind ignorance of black on black
    inner city genocide reveals them for the evil,
    political power at any cost hog they have become.
    Thank our God in Heaven that people are seeing this.

  8. To me he’s Jaha from the 100… 🙂
    Getting back on topic though, his political leanings (and sound logical reasoning) has me wondering if the REAL reason he got kicked off of Gray’s Anatomy was because his democratic views clashed with his radical leftist homosexual co-star… 🤔

  9. Maybe more blacks are listening to Candace Owens and the Blexit movement. Her best interviews are with other black conservatives. e.g. Larry Elder, Sheriff David Clarke, etc. They are one hour long, but definitely worth the time to listen.


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