Gross – Wave Pool in China – IOTW Report

Gross – Wave Pool in China

There isn’t enough chlorine in this pool. Trust me.

25 Comments on Gross – Wave Pool in China

  1. not enough chlorine in this pool? not enough chlorine for this pool in China more like…

    another thought, how’d you like to be the guy that fishes out the bodies and flat floaties off the bottom of this thing at the end of the day?

  2. In the US, there are 2 of these. One for the antifa who have yet to see it in operation for more than 1 hour per week due to unexpected clogs from dirt and hair. The second is for everyone else to enjoy 8 hours a day.

  3. Seems like a great place for Bill Clinton to accidentally rub up against girls. Someone should Photoshop Bill into the pic. “Missa Crinton oooh gloass, yu geh away fum me, geh yo wye plick away fum me now!”

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