Ground Truth: Crafting The Lie That Hunter’s Laptop Was Fake – IOTW Report

Ground Truth: Crafting The Lie That Hunter’s Laptop Was Fake

Sam Faddis exposes the truth about Hunter’s laptop. Who came up with the story that the Russians were behind the laptop? How was the story crafted? What does all this tell us about the extent to which the intelligence community is interfering in domestic politics?

5 Comments on Ground Truth: Crafting The Lie That Hunter’s Laptop Was Fake

  1. The lies of the Obama Administration, CIA, FBI, DOJ, democrat party and mainstream media over shadows the truth for months.
    After the election, eventually the truth prevails from investigative journalism efforts from other than mainstream media.The mainstream media was forced to acknowledge what they knew all along. It was not a Russian disinformation campaign, the laptop “is” Hunter’s.

    Collusion with the intelligence community, DOJ, FBI, CIA, DNC, Obama Whitehouse, and the Biden campaign is clearly documented showing illegal interference in a Presidential election.

    No in-depth reporting of this finely orchestrated narrative and collusion.
    No in-depth reporting of the content of Hunter’s laptop.
    No in-depth reporting or mention of corruption, $100s of Millions regarding influence peddling, sexual perversion, depravity, pedophelia, drug use, human trafficking and failure to report funds to the IRS.

    If you are the minority and still refuse to acknowledge that the two tiered Judicial system is alive and well for the political and socially superior elites there is truly no hope of retaining our Republic from the grips or Marxist Socialists that have ruined our economy with inflation and a Debt the next two generations (or more) will have to pay.

    The corrupt and Marxist infected Government, Academia and mainstream Media must be stopped to regain what we have lost and will lose Under the continuation of Biden’s weaponized Agencies and Presidency.

  2. The simple fact that he skates tells anyone and everyone what is more important: A critical mass of the Republican establishment has family members who are doing the same exact thing, just as filthy and reprobate and as involved in pedophilia as the rest of them. Particularly the Republican leadership. This tells you that they are up to their eyeballs in everything this miscreant has been exposed doing.

    You bet your ass I mean this literally.


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