Group Files For Permit For a Straight Pride Parade in Boston – IOTW Report

Group Files For Permit For a Straight Pride Parade in Boston


The event to celebrate heterosexuality in one of the nation’s most gay-friendly cities is meant to poke fun at the “identity politics” of the political left, organizer Mark Sahady wrote in a Facebook comment.

The parade organizers have designed a flag and designated actor Brad Pitt as their “mascot.”

“For them everything is based upon identity and whether or not one is categorized as a victim or an oppressor,” Sahady wrote on Facebook. “If you get victim status then you are entitled to celebrate yourself and expect those with oppressor status to defer to your feelings.”

Organizers of the Straight Pride Parade tentatively plan to host the event on Aug. 31, Sahady wrote, and have filed a discrimination complaint against Boston for permission to fly their straight pride flag.

The parade will include floats and vehicles, Sahady wrote, and will run from Copley Square to City Hall – the same route as the official Pride parade will take on Saturday.

John Hugo, one of the Straight Pride Parade’s organizers, told The Washington Post that the keynote speaker would be “a very famous gay conservative,” whom he declined to name. As the LGBT acronym grows to also include queer, intersex and asexual people, Hugo said he and his fellow organizers want to add an “S” for “straight.”


ht/ jd hasty


Who else reads this shirt to say, “Not Gay Anally” ?



19 Comments on Group Files For Permit For a Straight Pride Parade in Boston

  1. This sounds a lot like ,”All lives matter”, the retribution will be swift.

    In the Bay Area all the individual cities (about 30 of them) are being shamed by S.F. to fly the gay rainbow parade flag right next to both the USA and California State flag. One by one they are all succumbing to the pressure and are falling in line like good little soldiers. Forget propriety, to be called not inclusive or bigoted by the LGBTQ community for not doing it, that is a bridge too far.

  2. There WILL be violence against the straight parade by the oh-so-tolerant fascistas. The city leaders will tell the police to stand down and the media will demonize the straights as racist homophobes. Straights are only allowed to be depicted as oppressors, not the oppressed, so they have no rights.

  3. Hey check out those “scare quotes” for straight pride

    Better not have any good feelings about yourselves, “heteros”, if you know what’s good for you

  4. Great. Next will be ‘white pride,’ ‘male pride,’ ‘Conservative pride,’ and the like.

    Unlke other parades by the left, there won’t be a need for much policing, nor trash pickup after the parade.


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