Grover Norquist Does Comedy Routine At Steampunk Saloon at Burning Man – IOTW Report

Grover Norquist Does Comedy Routine At Steampunk Saloon at Burning Man

“Later that day, in keeping with the principal of gifting wherein every Burner must bring a gift to the Playa, Grover performs a stand-up comedy routine at the “Steampunk Saloon,” a popular theme camp/bar. His opening joke requires a glass of bourbon as a prop. “Scotch, no ice, neat, no water. I never drink water, Dick Cheney tortures people with it.” The crowd erupts with laughter.”



ht/ jason chisel

14 Comments on Grover Norquist Does Comedy Routine At Steampunk Saloon at Burning Man

  1. Why in the Hell would a so called conservative be caught dead at the Burning Man Festival? I thought conservatives were anathema to that kind of idiotic, dopey, leftover hippie freak festival nonsense from the 60’s. One of my brothers went there once with one of my female cousins who was at the time quite a confused and lost soul. She’s still new agey and goofy but she’s mellowed out somewhat now, thank goodness. I never understood that, There is absolutely no way in Hell you could ever convince me to go Burning Man. I did a lot of stupid stuff growing up back in the 60’s and 70’s but that is just beyond the pale as far as I am concerned.

  2. Of course most of these types were subscribers and afficianados of The Last Whole Earth catalog and The Coevolution Quarterly (the only good thing about the CEQ were the cartoons by Dan O’Neill) and underground comics by R. Crumb etc. and listened to the Grateful Dead and Jefferson Starship. I absolutely detest Blows Against The Empire by Jeff Starship from 1974. The song White Boy was and still is the epitome of political correctness and all the crap about whitey being oppressors now as well as then. If you want to know about how bad that time was screwed up just listen to that tripe and watch Billy Jack and if you aren’t stoned you’ll never understand.

  3. I saw Billy Jack in the theater when I was six or seven. It was a Sunday matinee, and I’ll never forget all the kids kicking each other in the parking lot after the movie was over. Of course, when I was six or seven, I thought it was cool that Billy Jack was kicking “the bad guys”. I watched the movie again probably five or six years ago, and I found myself rooting for the sheriff. All the protagonists were sniveling hippies.

  4. Even steven, how’d you get into see Billy Jack? I believe it was an R rated movie with lots of sex and violence and swear words and the first time I ever heard the term 69, I didn’t really know what it referred to at the time. And Howard Hessman as a hippie pre WKRP.

  5. Dick Cheney. What a work. It’s what Karl Rove wanted to be. But Karl wasn’t motivated, equipped with testicles, a tire iron, and the drive to make him the ruler of the ‘free world’.

    Dick was. Poor old “W” thought he was actually calling the shots for a while.

    I hope Karl can lick his balls while they both roast in hell.

    These two are a cancer on humanity.

    I’m drawing way short of actually expressing my feelings about these two tools. Sometimes, words fail me.

  6. It was rated GP back then. My parents dropped me and my brother off at the mall theater complex, and we just bought tickets and went in. It wasn’t too long after that that my brother and I wanted to see The Cowboys (starring John Wayne), but it was rated R. We badgered out folks enough that our dad took us, bought tickets, went into the theater with us, then left after the movies started. Some geeky manager power-tripped on me and my brother and made us leave, so we had to hang around in the mall until our dad showed back up. He was pissed that we got kicked out, and I think he ended up getting a refund from the manager. The fact that The Cowboys was rated R and Billy Jack was rated GP kind of shows, in retrospect, the power the left had even back then. Some show about grubby hippies in a commune (with a rape scene, no less) was fine for kids according the Motion Picture Association, but a John Wayne western was “too violent” and warranted an R rating. Go figure.

  7. According to IMDB, “The Cowboys” was rated GP. If I remember correctly, it’s even been shown uncut on afternoon TV.. Apparently, you and your brother got scammed out of your money. Sounds like bullshit to me.

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