Gruesome Newsom Murder – IOTW Report

Gruesome Newsom Murder

20 Comments on Gruesome Newsom Murder

  1. If the economy is soooo good and unemployment is down as the Communists like to tell us (facts and our own eyes tell us different) then why are there so many homeless… Riddle me that Mr Sleezy, Greasy, Gruesome Newsom …Hmmmmmmmmmmm??

  2. Over 250K fast food workers have lost their jobs due to Newsoms $20./hour min wage for fast food worker. Countless chains have closed stores. One chain with 42 restaurants totally shut down last week.
    Let’s see him spin that. Newsoms getting pounded by this biz community but you never hear about it because the California media protects his dumb ass.

  3. Also, those jobs reports look bitchen until next quarter when they down grade them by 70%. Don’t believe any statistic that comes from Government right now.

  4. In less than a week the revised unemployment numbers will correct to show unemployment still sucks but Gavin unfortunately will still find this poor fella dead.

  5. Never, never, NEVER, forget that it’s better than even money that any given “homeless” person is seriously mentally ill. Do NOT fsck with paranoid schizophrenics or violent psychopaths. You are NOTHING to them and if you piss them off and they have the means they will seriously fsck you up or kill you.

  6. Brad – These Communist assholes raped and murdered real Statistics and tossed them out the window into the dumpster-fire of the New Communism of the 21st Century!

  7. They’re lying their ass off about the economy. I’m in manufacturing. Manufacturing is considered the stabilizing force, the back bone, of the economy. It has more economic multipliers than any other sector. What’s an economic multiplier? Some dumb asses fancy term for vendor base.
    We know when the economies in the tank. We can tell by the availability of raw material. When the economy is cranking, like it was under Trump, it takes us up to 15 days to get precision cut aluminum plate. When the economy sucks the lead times go way down. For the last year the turn around on cut plate has been 2 days. Available commercial rental space is way up. The vacancy rate in the NorCal Biz park we are in is right at 50%. The economy has slowed way down. The wau it always does under Democrap lack of leadership.

  8. Brad – One look at all the spin-off industries from the Space program in the 60s verifies exactly what you say. Inovation triggers manufacturing and manufacturing triggers more inovation. It’s a Win-Win.

  9. They cooked the books to make it look a lot better than it is.

    I think a lot of those new jobs are blow jobs and Kamala and Buttigieg pushed for them to be included. In the current culture, the unemployed can find good, well-paying jobs in back alleys, homo bars, and the government.

  10. Finding new workers is a challenge.
    Most cannot read a tape measure, never tied a square knot, always keeping their hands warm in their pockets whenever they can and don’t like following instructions.
    With this kind of wrong thinking they ain’t gonna make it.
    And yes, the homeless/bums can be very dangerous.
    They need to be vaccinated weekly.

  11. If you ever voted democrat you are personally responsible for this. The trouble we now have is most republicans have figured out the grift is just so much better than working at politics they are all in as well.

    There are probably 20 Republicans in the federal elected legislature who are not straight up fellow travelers with the communists… sorry, democrats… but, I repeat myself… never mind. At a state level the west coast is GONE, will not return to any form of sanity short of a full on revolution. No civil means will have any effect at this point.

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