Grumpy Cat Has Died – IOTW Report

Grumpy Cat Has Died

That says a lot about our culture, that more of us than not understand this headline.

Inside Edition-

The internet sensation Grumpy Cat, who was adored for looking angry all the time, has died.

The cat, who was 7, reportedly died from complications after she contracted a urinary tract infection.

“She passed away peacefully on the morning of Tuesday, May 14, at home in the arms of her mommy, Tabatha,” a statement on the cat’s Twitter read. “Her spirit will continue to live on through her fans forever.”

The Arizona cat’s mean expression made millions smiles after a photo of her went viral in 2012 through Reddit. Memes galore were born from the image.


25 Comments on Grumpy Cat Has Died

  1. For the love of pete! our last cat hung around for 19 friken years! of course he was not an internet sensation.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. In “interesting” times we look for diversion.
    Satan occupies 3 or 4 seats on the Supreme Court, a lot of the seats in the Senate, and all the positions of power in the House.
    Our Secret State Police is actively practicing Treason and just about all of our politicians are greedy scum. Every city in America is a shit-hole and our Southern Border is under siege.
    So we found a cat whose depiction matched our mood.

    RIP kitty.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The “Twitter” and “Reddit” links in this post are dicked.
    I really wanted to read moar on this internet sensation so I can convince my dog to act like a grumpy cat.

  4. Sweet grumpy cat. Glad you had humans that put your welfare above their need to keep you around. Critters tell us when it’s time to go even though we don’t like it.

    Grumpy kitty, find my Ivan. He will be at the head of the crowd of critters ready to welcome you. Have fun finally catching that red dot.

  5. When some else’s pet dies it’s very sad for their owner and it’s a reminder that mine will also eventually die which makes me very sad. Rest in peace Tardar Sauce. Enjoy cat heaven and say hello to Spot for me.

  6. This should serve as a reminder to make a keepsake of our pets. Horrible to have as an afterthought that you want a picture, or something, of a lost loved one to hang on the wall after they are gone.

    Fur will get a commission to paint something for me in the near future. Just need to either pick out one I’ve already taken or make a new one that’s a better representation of her.

    Can’t let the best cat in the world be forgotten.

  7. I totally agree about having Fur paint a portrait of your critter(s) for you. I have Zoe, Ivan and Asher’s portraits hanging in my room. I smile every time I look at them, and am reminded of the love we shared. I will treasure the memories and the portraits always.

  8. My daughter actually met Grumpy Cat. According to her, the cat isn’t grumpy at all. It’s all a hoax to to sell Grumpy Cat calendars and Grumpy cat books

    And I told her, “Dont let your mother know about this; it’ll kill her”


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